Girls' Night Out - and the power of Education!

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March 12th 2015
Published: March 12th 2015
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This is my last day in Africa and my last day in Johannesburg – and it’s a very special one. The early part of my adventure was all part of the Give Movement Journey 2015 – the activities of the past few days are a result of my master networking skills and abilities, and I mean that in all sincerety.

Most of my colleagues continued on to various safari trips after the Give Movement 2015 project. Prior to coming to Africa, I asked my colleague Sandy Salle ( to connect me with some of her contacts in Zimbabwe (this is her native home and she is a very generous soul!).

She made the initial introductions and I took it from there – resulting in the start of new relationship with Hema Vallabh,

Before Christmas, we connected on Skype and Hema took the lead in hosting 2 major events during my time in Johannesburg. Most of you read about the Global Mentoring walk last Sunday on International Women’s Day. Today, it was all about Mentorship Musings – an interview, presentation, workshop and competition day.

But, before I get to that, let me share a bit about last evening's fun. It was 'girl's night out' and I got invited. What a thrill. I don't know about you, but I LOVE to see how people live in other countries and to get invited into someone's home is very special, in my eyes. Vanessa Perumal (African Media Resource Centre of Excellence) was an amazing and generous host. I had so much fun visiting with the ladies - to say the conversations were diverse, deep, funny and enlightening is an understatement. And the food! Wow. Such a special evening - thank you, ladies, for including me!

My day on Tuesday started out with another culinary delight at The Peech Hotel – I highly recommend it as the place to stay in Johannesburg. I was enjoying my last breakfast when one of the young staff came over to me (his name is Robert) - and he asked if I knew a young lady by the name of Sureka? It didn't register right away - so then he explained they are good friends and he saw her post/photo on FB from the Global Mentoring Walk and thought he recognized me in that photo - so true! She is in the photo from the Walk and is one of my new 'mentees' - talk about a small world and talk about the power of Facebook! From there, it was time to head over to the meeting location – right near Mandela Square. I will tell you it was a humbling moment to walk through that square past the huge statue of Nelson Mandela. On into the meeting location we went and the place was alive with positive energy. It was fabulous.

I had an opportunity to wander among the attendees before we got started and it was just so interesting to meet the people and learn why they had come. I was excited to be the guest of honor for this very first event. It was also a pleasure to watch some experts at work – Naomi and her husband, Dave – an amazing photography/videography team who went above and beyond the call of duty today to ensure that everything was just perfect.

The event started with Hema conducting a 1-1 interview with me, which gave me the opportunity to share my story – complete with my trash bag, which has now travelled internationally with me! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then perhaps you need to book me for a keynote presentation so that you can experience it first hand ( Hema was very well prepared for this segment and asked some really interesting and tough questions. I thoroughly enjoyed it! (and my 'trash bag' opening was received there with as much impact and inspiration as it is here in North America - we really ARE more alike than different! Larry - in doing my homework, I learned it is called a 'dirt bag' rather than a 'trash bag' .......good to know the language!)

From there, I conducted a workshop on my ‘7 Steps to Growing Your Business by Getting Out of Your Own Way!” – the audience was engaged, participatory, fun and inquisitive. The questions came fast and furious and were great – once again, validating my belief that we are truly more alike than different. The major theme, and area of interest, was to get the skills to develop a mindset of wealth. We talked a lot about conditioning and expectations. It was fun for me to know that there were graduates of The Pacific Institute’s ‘Investment in Excellence’ program there. Again, such a small world. I delivered that program, myself, during the 1990’s around North America. To know that there were individuals in this audience who spoke the TPI language and who knew, and loved Lou Tice as much as I did was very heart-warming.

And then – the magic moment. When Hema and I chatted before I arrived in Africa, I made a special offer to her for this event and that was a Mighty Mavericks Coaching scholarship (Value: $10,000Cdn). One fortunate candidate, through an application process, would be selected to join my entry level coaching program for the remainder of the year – and then, wait, there’s more! I also decided to ‘close the loop’ by offering to bring Hema and the scholarship winner to Toronto in October for my Wealth Makers Toronto event ( This will be a life-changing experience for the 2 entrepreneurs from Johannesburg and I am committed to making it happen. I will start a fund-raising campaign when I get home – if you’d like to be part of this, feel free to contact me. (Perhaps I can get an airline to sponsor their flights??? Hmmmmmmm, food for thought)

The last part of the day saw the 9 finalists for the scholarship competition in a 5-minute ‘speed interview’ with me giving them the opportunity, in person (they had submitted written applications up to this point) to ‘pitch me’ – to sell me on why THEY should be the winner. This was so much fun and such a great experience for them – I’ve learned so much about the mindset of the entrepreneurs here – not much different from that of my own clients. They have been conditioned not to speak well of themselves, not to ask for what they want/need, not to charge what they deserve for their level of expertise, and so much more. The winner of this scholarship will have access to me, my associate coach Richard and our coaching this year - mindset is my area of expertise! I am excited for them and for what they bring to my coaching community and my team.

The 5 minutes for each candidate went quickly – there were major heart beats happening, lots of stress AND a high level of enthusiasm, professionalism, and authenticity as to why they believed they should be the winner. In the end, in consultation with Hema, I told her it was impossible for me to narrow it down to just one winner. There were two who stood out in the whole experience. Now, here is the sad/unfortunate part. One of the ‘winners’ had already left the facility. She had a previous commitment and was unable to stay to the end. The parameters for this scholarship ‘win’ included the fact that the candidate had to be there, in the room, for the day with me. So, unfortunately, the one gal lost out on this opportunity. And so finalist #3 was awarded a scholarship in her place.

The two winners are very deserving. One, Eugenie Drake, is a long-time retailer of fine and creative art products – and she is now creating a new stream of revenue – that of retail coach. She is completing her coaching certification and is ready to get down to business! She is also a mentor for the Cheri Blair Foundation. The other finalist, Taryn Laing, is a Public Relations and Marketing Consultant and will bring a lot to the table.

I spent time with the rest of the audience explain what I was looking for in the answers to my questions during those precious 5 minutes – that was very helpful to them because I have already made the commitment to return (with a side trip to Cape Town, thanks to the powerful ‘sales pitch’ from Naadiya!!) – I had also made the commitment to Suzanne Evans, for the Give Movement Journey 2016, that I would return – so I’ll just bundle it all up and make very good use of the time and effort to get to Africa. (the journey is not for the faint of heart……. I am writing this blog on my flight from Heathrow to Newark, NJ – and then on to London, Ontario, Canada where I live. I have been ‘on the go’ since 6 a.m. Johannesburg time – and I get home at 5:00 p.m. EST MY time. This kind of travel takes stamina, people! ……and chocolate and lattes, LOL)

It was a long, productive, rewarding and emotional day – with more tears. Hema has surrounded herself with a very positive, loving and supportive team. Naomi, Dave and Chris did a phenomenal job on recording the whole event. Hema’s parents were there helping with registration and photography also. Naadiya was my personal chauffeur and tour guide (she is Hema’s business partner)- I did enjoy the ride in the Nissan Micra, I will say! It does take a village to pull off a first-class event like this and I would say, on all counts, it was a huge success.

Back to the hotel, time to change into my ‘fly all night comfy clothes’ and Hema and I were off to the airport. Hema and I had the chance to decompress a little bit, have some dinner and de-brief on the event. She is one amazing, smart, fun young woman and I am excited about the relationship that has just begun with her. To say I am blessed is an understatement. To say that this all began because I created opportunities is another understatement. It’s amazing what can happen when one just asks ………..and because of my ‘ask’, I am forever grateful to Sandy Salle for helping me with this ‘bright idea’. I told her – I have a laptop, a story and a mission – help me get in front of people –

And as this trip comes to an end, this is my ASK of you, too. This is the year I am committed to getting my story out in a big way so I can inspire people to grow their business, make a ton of money, make a difference and live their best life. I have created a fabulous, happy, successful life in the past few years – I want access to more people to give them tools to live their best life too.

Please visit to access my Speaker Reel – and please do write and let me know of any speaking opportunities you may know of, anywhere around the world! My goal is to inspire large audiences this year (on stage, in the media, any which way) – my goal is to speak to 10,000 people. I need your help to bring this to reality.

Thanks for following the blog. It’s been fun knowing that we have been connected on this journey and I do know, through your messages, comments and emails, that hearts have been touched, people have been inspired, and awareness has been increased when it comes to the people, the culture, the food, the geography, the animals, the hospitality of this incredible place called Africa!

Bye everyone,

Happy Pat

Additional photos below
Photos: 43, Displayed: 30


12th March 2015
Home, Sweet, Home! Snow and all......

Home Again
Hi Pat: Glad to see you are home safely and I hope you plan to take the weekend at least to catch your breath and rest up. Your trip sounded fantastic and as usual you seem to have made lots of connections and a lasting impression. Good on you. You are one smart and ambitious cookie. Take care and get some rest. Lorraine
12th March 2015
awesomesoxx heading home

Welcome home
It really look like you're flying alone. Welcome home.
13th March 2015

Thanks for the memories
Hi Pat! I really enjoyed experiencing your trip through your blog. It was fascinating to read about and view pictures of all the things you did ... now rest!
13th March 2015

feeling a bit bittersweet...
What an amazing wrap up to your trip. Your blog and your pictures tell the story so well. I'm just a little sad... I won't have anything to read tomorrow. I can't wait for you next trip! Love you! Carrie
13th March 2015

Thank you!
Carrie, it's bittersweet for me, too. You can always continue to read my weekly ezine until my next big adventure LOL. Live you, too. Happy Pat

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