Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Goodbye South Africa!

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg
August 25th 2023
Published: December 9th 2023
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Dear All Greetings, on this my final entry on my amazing journey through South Africa in the summer of 2023. It really was an epic trip, definitely one of the best ones up there alongside recent trips to Japan, Scandinavia and the Galapagos Islands, and I've also been enjoying very much writing up these travel blog entries, re-living all those adventures again! My final few days were spent in and... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 200, Displayed: 21


Gautrain BusGautrain Bus
Gautrain Bus

Hatfield Station, Pretoria
View over PretoriaView over Pretoria
View over Pretoria

From the Union Buildings
Boer StatueBoer Statue
Boer Statue

Union Buildings, Pretoria
Lion BridgeLion Bridge
Lion Bridge

Pretoria CBD
Pretoria CBDPretoria CBD
Pretoria CBD

Pretoria CBDPretoria CBD
Pretoria CBD

Pretoria CBDPretoria CBD
Pretoria CBD

Pretoria CBDPretoria CBD
Pretoria CBD

The Palace of JusticeThe Palace of Justice
The Palace of Justice

Church Square, Pretoria

10th December 2023

Pretoria & Johannesburg
Good to see you avoided the "issue" near the conclusion of the trip. It is ironic that we felt safest of all the big cities in Pretoria. A good trip, well recorded .... but interesting to read that the the country has not really moved on in terms of the security situation since 2006 and the average enforcer of law and order remains seemingly as disinterested as ever. I have pulled "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" by Gavin Bell off the bookshelf to wake further memories of our time in the Rainbow Nation.
10th December 2023

Pretoria and Johannesburg
Thanks John, very insightful insights. The "Rainbow Nation" still seems very much an ideal, and I wonder how far it can be put into practice. I shall look into the book you mentioned. For now I am at least happy to have gathered my own experiences and insights into such a maligned and misunderstood part of the world. It was a journey of wonder, and of education. Thanks for following my adventures with me.
10th December 2023

It has been great following you...
on your travels around South Africa. You were certainly brave!
10th December 2023

South Africa
Thank you for following Bob. It was a journey both of adventure and education. A fascinating, yet beguiling country. I'm glad I went and learned what I did.
19th December 2023

Epic South Africa
You've made choices in life that have allowed you to travel the world. Blogging does allow us to re-live these travel experiences and analyze our feelings about what we have seen and done. I love your description of being in the beating heart of South Africa. You have been exposed to a great deal of South African history on this trip (maybe saturated) but you've looked at things from all perspectives and that is good. Winnie made choices many would not make. I'm glad you enjoyed your posh lunch even though you felt underdressed. Thanks for the information on BRICS.... I had no idea. Bravo on your last night celebration. When you go to Napa next year you should take the Moet and Chandon winery tour. It is very nice. Pride comes from -- as you say, the complexities, struggles and triumphs of the human experience. Well said, Alex.
19th December 2023

Epic South Africa
Thanks Merry Jo! It was an epic journey indeed, and such a complex brew of a country to learn about and absorb. I feel I gave it a good go, and understanding more about this one country has helped me gain more of an understanding of the whole world and human experience. I hope I did the country and its peoples justice in my write-ups. It was such an honour to visit such a country, as well as to write up about my experiences there. South Africa is something else. Thanks for reading and for following along with me 😊
19th December 2023

Ps. Thanks for the tip on the Moet and Chandon tour next year 😊
19th December 2023

We learned a lot of history in this town.
19th December 2023

Soweto has a lot to offer - vibrant, positive and forward-thinking.
1st January 2024
Hector Pieterson Memorial

I would want to visit Stephen Biko memorial (if one exists)
If I was to visit South Africa I would want to visit a Stephen Biko memorial. I don't know if one of those exists however. But if there isn't one, his grave would do. He was an anti-apartheid activist who in 1977 was beaten to death while in custody. Peter Gabriel has written a song called Biko. It is a very good song and he always ends his concerts with that one. /Ake
1st January 2024
Hector Pieterson Memorial

Stephen Biko
I learned a bit about Stephen Biko whilst in South Africa. I imagine there'll be a memorial to him somewhere. I hope you're able to go sometime Ake, it sounds like it may be an inspirational journey for you too.

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