Day 15 - More Bus Time

Published: August 9th 2018
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Another leisurely start to the day. Bags out and on the bus by 0930. Heading to Port Elizabeth via a few other stops on the way. First stop is at a beach resort called Plettenburg Bay. Steep drive down to the beach where they have a hotel on the waters edge that is in th shape if a ship - sort of. As the tour guide said, it looks like it should be in a James Bond movie. As we watch a whale watching boat is coming into the shore. Big catamaran with lots on board. Flying to the beach, we all say the same thing. He must be going to beach it. Sure enough, straight up into the sand. A guy wheels a stairway out, like a plane and the people climb down. A tractor comes and puts a set of wheels under the hulls, winches it back and then tows it up the sand waiting for the next group.....

Off again and we stop at a restaurant for lunch. Italian place where we queue up alongside lots of others. Must be popular. Lots of pretty people, we go in and there are tables everywhere outside with great views of the beach and surf. Food is good and a local house red topped off with a cold Peroni and all is good.

Next stop is a huge bird aviary. A few colourful birds at first, then after a while we see lots more birds. Interesting walk finished off with flamingos in a pond drinking water right beside us.

Back into the bus for the rest of the drive - 2 hours to Port Elizabeth. Some sleep, others sit quietly - too much bus. Arrive in darkness to a hotel that has towers everywhere and all the roof edges have fairy lights. Impressive. Tonight we have another dinner which is a short walk from our hotel. Nice dinner and got to chat with a couple we haven’t really spent much time with.

A good night, but we have to be on the bus by 0700 meaning an 0530 wake up call....


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