Is this on YOUR bucket list?

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Africa » Senegal
November 5th 2011
Published: November 5th 2011
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Good morning from sunny, 'sticky' Senegal!

Tried to do the blog last night but, quite honestly, my eyes wouldn't stay open. I knew you would forgive me because it's Saturday in most places of the world where you are following us - and you, too, are relaxing this morning.

It's early - we're up and at 'em and heading out on an incredible adventure today. Yesterday, most of us were up early and had a few hours to spend around the hotel in Sao Tome (which was just a fuelling stop/over night for us) - and it was fabulous. Some of the photos show that.

Then, on to the bus and to the airport. Everything went so smoothly this morning - but the heat was getting to some people. Sao Tome is the eptiome of H-U-M-I-D-I-T-Y!!!!!!!! Most of the passengers spent the afternoon yesterday around that gorgeous infinity pool - while a few of us went shopping and around town - you saw those photos already.

The flight to Senegal was about 4 1/2 hours - it's always great to see the crew again. Felt sorry for Matt, our mechanic, as he was out on the tarmac with the ground crew in that incredible heat - he's a trooper!

We celebrated 2 birthdays on the plane yesterday - Lynda and Jessica (she's one of our flight crew). It's always fun to help people celebrate their special day. You will see a photo of one of the cards that circulated on the plane - great memories!

The captain was most helpful in pointing out interesting things 'down below' during our flight - the coral reefs, in particular, were gorgeous.

Into Senegal and ready to see what awaits us here. The bus ride to the hotel was short, but interesting. The terrain here is different - lots of construction going on. There is a very big holiday coming up and, as a result, lots of cows 'being prepped' - you'll see more photos of that from today.

The women of Senegal are gorgeous - and their attire is absolutely beautiful!

We are staying at the Meridien President hotel, right on the water again. Another beautiful location. We had an evening affair at the Art Gallery - that was an eye-opener. SOOOOOO many interesting things - including the washroom! LOL. We were entertained by Africa women dancers - strangest dancing I've ever seen - but they were amazing, that's for certain. The buffet dinner was delightful - a nice variety from chicken to fish, shrimp, couscous, .......and chocolate cake and sweet potatoe cake for dessert. Now we're talking! I snuck into the kitchen to chat with the chefs (I always love to do that!) - one of the young gals was born in Quebec. Small world, indeed. She was thrilled that the dining room was filled with CAnadians.

Back to the hotel - a quick rendez-vous with Brenda and Robert - and then 'lights out' - another long day under our belt.

I will say that there are mixed feelings as we reflect on the fact this journey is coming to an end next week. It's always difficult to be away from family for such a long time - but we have very much enjoyed all your comments and the fact you have been with us, virtually.

For many, we know that this is a trip you only dream about. Let me say this - if I can do it - YOU can do it! You need to learn to dream big and go after your dreams. Life is short! Dream big - and contact Travel Guild (LOL) to book your seat for next year. Don't There's a seat on the plane with your name on it!!!!!

Many of you have been asking 'just who are those people who take such a trip, anyway?" - well, to answer that question, I am doing a few video interviews. Stay tuned for those to come your way.

In the meantime, off to check out the breakfast buffet - I do believe I see chocolate crepes over there! Oh baby.........

Bye for now. Enjoy your day.

(Hi Mom - sending lots of love, hugs and prayers your way! Miss you so much!!!!)

Happy Pat

Additional photos below
Photos: 72, Displayed: 24


5th November 2011

Art work..............
That piece of art work would look great in you livingroom, Pat! Hugs, and miss you at ou meetings.......Pearl
5th November 2011

Pat, your trip is absolutely wonderful. We feel as thought we have been right there with you. Your pictures are the frosting of the cake. Outstanding! We've also loved the cards you've sent. Thank you for thinking of us during this wonderful part of your life! Enjoy the last days! You are building memories to last a lifetime.. or at least until the next time.
6th November 2011

Looking forward to todays adventure
Lovin' your blog's just like I'm there chatting with you as our day unfolds. Great pictures too. I know that you will continue to have a blast. Safe travels my friend and we continue to pray for your Mom. (((HUGS)))
7th November 2011

It is now !!!!!
Pat, Brenda,Mary,Robynn, Robert and Ben........ Sure looks like a little piece of heaven to me.....Thanks for the journey ......Hope your Mom is doing well Pat...
9th November 2011

Africa IS on my bucket list!! The pool at your Sao Tome hotel looks absolutely gorgeous - so inviting! Hope your mom is doing ok, Pat...she's in my prayers for sure. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back!

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