It's Been a While Crocodile

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January 14th 2017
Published: January 14th 2017
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Thanksgiving Peace Corps nativity scene
Well, where do I even begin? Over the past few months, everything has seemed to just jumble together into a hairball of service. Looking back at previous posts, it seems like time was just dragging by and I was still trying to grasp this whole Mozambican culture thing. Even though I am far from a Mozambican or Portuguese expert, I feel like life here is really starting to fall into place. Daily life includes: waking up, rushing out the door with a loaf of bread or crackers with some type of spread, telling my phase 2 host siblings and landlord’s kid that I am late for work so they have to wait to use my coloring materials until later, attempting not to fall in the mud as I waddle to the hospital, tend to 4-20 HIV support groups at the hospital or reorganize files for the millionth time, with however much time is left before 12pm catch up on the latest global health journal e-newsletter, go to the market to get fresh produce and run into at least 3 people I know, make lunch, read a book or watch a movie, chat with someone (another PCV, from community, or the US),

Peace Corps Angonia
study language, make dinner and dessert, get in bed to stare at the ceiling and reflect and fall asleep. When all of these tasks have been completed, repeat the following day. On some days, I also sprinkle in: eating at a local restaurant/ food stand, creep over to the orphanage, meet with my English group, language tutoring, hangout with my sitemates, or intensely focus on finding the last word in my word search at the park. I would say that I now have a set routine.

Other thrilling Peace Corps experiences included:

My new sitemate Leslie arrived so we made ravioli with our Zimbabwean friend Blaine

I made a solo journey traversing Malawi, to visit other volunteers on Lake Malawi (Lago Niassa) in Niassa Province, Mozambique.

World AIDS Day (My favorite day of service)

1st PC Thanksgiving abroad: the entire Tete Province (24th, 25th, and 26th group volunteers) gathered together in Chitima, Tete for a fantastic dinner

My English students graduated the 12th grade.

Moz 26 had Reconnect (3 months of completed service conference) in Maputo then we vacationed at Bilene Beach in Gaza province.

My friend Julia from Niassa visited my
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Bilene, Gaza Province, Mozambique

1st PC Christmas abroad: Moz 26 Volunteers from all regions of the country gathered in the sweltering Tete City for a chaotic feast with some South African, Zimbabwean, and Zambian expats.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12



Making Ravioli

the great condom race

Lake Malawi/Lago Niassa
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Christmas with the Corps

World AIDS DAY in Calomwe
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Victoria Falls Crew

World AIDS Day

Devil's Pool, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

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