Still in Nouachott

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Africa » Mauritania » Trarza » Nouakchott
May 26th 2009
Published: May 26th 2009
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The world's a toy!
Still in Nouachott! I was thinking about leaving today but decided to wait until tomorrow to exchange money. Plus I don’t feel like traveling yet. It’s nice here, although not too much to do. Went to the port-au-peche with Kiryomi and Eri yesterday. This idiot asshole rich-boy Mauritanian drove us. He drove like an idiot with s**tty music blaring and almost hit a kid. He showed no inclination to honk or slow down. Took us to some resort beach, not to the port-au-peche and then told us that we couldn’t go to the port-au-peche because the police would stop us and it was closed anyway because it was Friday. It was all bulls**t. We ditched his pathetic ass (it was blatantly obvious he was only interested in the girls and swimming --- sorry a**hole!) and went to see the very interesting fish market with many colourful boats and fishermen. When we returned the a**hole has left (good riddance, hopefully he wrapped himself around a tree --- if there were any) so we took a cab back. Later I went out to dinner with the girls and a Swiss guy named Mathias who is full of useful information on West Africa, as
Fishermen and their boatsFishermen and their boatsFishermen and their boats

Launch the pirogue!
he’s spent ten months here. Going to spend today relaxing --- again! Off to Atar tomorrow. Oh yes, we tried to go for a drink yesterday but no luck. I’ll try to meet up with the Japanese girls later in Senegal or Mali where I might have more luck. Yes I know, I’m just as bad as the locals.

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Taking the goats for a walk...

Matthias was a great source of info about West Africa and a good guy.
Nouachott 2Nouachott 2
Nouachott 2

The market...

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