Hello from Madagascar

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Africa » Madagascar » Moramanga
July 11th 2008
Published: July 11th 2008
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Hello to everyone

After two very long flights and a very windy bumpy drive I am here. I arrived on Wednesday July 9th. I have to say the flights were good. Flying buisness was great. The air france lounges were amazing. All you can drink open bar and food. The food on the plane was even great. As soon as you sit down they offer you a drink of champagne or orange juice. They give out hot hand towels. The seats recline into beds and the pillows were down. Once we got off the plane in Madagascar it was chilly. We went to get our bags and went through customs. The airport looked more like a loblaws than anything. its very small and very busy. As soon as you walk out of the airport a million people want to grab your bags and help you cause they want money. you have to tell them a million times non merci. And there are wild stray dogs everywhere here. We got to the hotel about 1 in the morning which was really nice and clean. I had a hard time sleeping the first night cause i slept so much on the plane and the time difference had me a little mixed up. I was waiting for this whole moving to Madagascar to sink in to me and it finally hit me that it was really happening that night when i was in the hotel. The next morning I got up and got a drive with Dale and another guy to site. It was almost 4 hours to get here. We really are in the middle of no where. Moramanga is the closest town to us and its about 40 min down the mountain. The houses are really made of sticks and mud. and some of the villiages really do remind you of the ones you see on TV for those ad's on adopting poor children. A lot of people dont wear shoes and they really do carry everything on their heads. One guy was carrying a whole table on his head. Everyday you see people doing their laundry in the river. The accomidations we are in right now remind me of res as school. They are building us new ones that should be ready by September. The internet here sucks...its like worse than dial up when that came out. its up and down every min. Today (friday 11th) we went on a tour of the site....its really very large. I took some pictures which i hope to upload tonight. The food is fine here in the kitchen. I have learned to drink my coffee black though cause i'm staying away from millk products its just gross looking. i will write again soon. Love you all


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