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June 19th 2011
Published: July 1st 2011
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Some sort of meeting they had for the local chiefs
On Thursday I bumped into a white guy in the village. Theres only 2 other volunteers and me here, and I've never saw anyone else who isn't from the village, so it was a bit of a novelty. I stopped and had a chat with him. His name was Humphrey Barclay and he was a TV director/producer from London. He was the producer on Desmonds! I told him I used to love watching Desmonds when I was little! He looked to be in his late 60's, and said he came here twice a year as he was now a chief and had bought a place over here. We went to a Spot (small bar) and he bought me a drink. Sugar Daddy (y)

After a few min's I realised I didn't really remember much about Desmonds at all, I just knew it was set in a barber shop and had someone in it called Porkpie. After him talking about Desmonds for nearly an hour, I think I could give a commentary on the DVD if it ever comes out. I don't think a DVD of Desmonds will ever come out. He had a very high opinion of himself, but aside

Humphrey in his local gear, second on the right
from that he was pretty interesting. He'd produced a few other shows and said he was mates with loads of actors, but the only one I'd ever heard of was Judi Dench, and i don't really believe hes her mate. He said I should go back to his place and that he had a pool. It was tempting, but I feared I was being groomed so said I couldn't make it, maybe next time.

Apart from that, nothing has really happened this week. I've had a spider in my room for ages, and I've not been able to catch it. But then a few days ago I had to move my mattress to get my phone that had fell behind my bed, and after i moved it, I saw about 15 big spiders under my bed in a massive web! I think they were planning on surrounding and then eating me. I legged it out the room and got a big brush. I banged around a bit, but only managed to kill a smaller one as it was running up the wall back to base camp. I swept up the web and threw it outside, but left the body

Humphrey bigging himself up in a pamphlet. He actually wrote it himself!
of the spider on the wall as a message to its friends not to come back. I've had no spiders since then...unless they have a more elaborate plan lined up.

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