Blogs from Ethiopia, Africa - page 2


Africa » Ethiopia February 4th 2020

We left Debark early hoping for some great views of the Simian Mountains and we were not disappointed but when you have mountains the roads are certainly more exciting. The road out of Debark remained Tarmac but soon became a dirt track and soon literally drove down the side of a mountain on a road that isn’t quite as bad as the road of “death” in Bolivia but comes a close second. The views were spectacular and the driving certainly exciting albeit rather slow. By the end of the day we would not tire of amazing rock formations, lava and sandstone but perhaps at well over 100 hairpins some straight road would be good. We continued on and got back on to tarmac and started heading close to the Eritrea border, however it is a relatively ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia February 3rd 2020

We were picked up by the Toyota workshop driver unexpectedly in the morning and this gave us a false sense of progress arriving at the workshop. One thing we have come to learn in Ethiopia in the last few days is “local time” which is completely different to time on your watch. It is measured as hours from sunrise which is around 6:30am. So after much initial confusion in recent days as to when the car parts might arrive we learned and realised they were on a completely different clock to us. Bizarre though that their watches and phones and computers display time as we know it but they then work out local time and quote that. A good example of what we’re trying to work with here in trying to get a car fixed in ... read more
Driving into the sunset

Africa » Ethiopia February 2nd 2020

Our man with a car from the Toyota garage arrived on time at 0800, what he arrived in was a Toyota Hilux that had done nearly 700,000KM and looked like it was falling apart. It quickly became clear this car was not able to drive us for 2 hours to Gondar but rather could drive us 30KM to the natural highlight of Ethiopia which is Blue Nile Falls. We had a small argument over our destination but it seemed we must visit the falls and not the town of Gondar. Everyone in Ethiopia seems to say yes but then does what they want, we just had to go with it! The road to the falls turned out to be one of the worst we have seen and at 30km away it was a real testament to ... read more
Blue Nile Falls
Getting to Blue Nile Falls

Africa » Ethiopia February 2nd 2020

We stumbled on a local bar/club/live music venue and not another western face in sight – this was where the locals hung out. We were immediately subject to some Ethiopian singing which to put it politely was not our cup of tea. This then escalated into dancers, women mostly wiggling their boobs and men mostly wiggling their shoulders. Then umbrellas got involved and the range of colours on show certainly showed a broad range. While this was going on we saw locals nearby drinking wine, so we thought we should try some and picked one called Tej. It turns out Tej is a honey mead wine, in short it is like mixing mead with white wine. It is alcoholic for sure, but realistically an acquired taste. After about 2 hours, we decided our cultural limit had ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia February 1st 2020

We headed to the market to buy some supplies ranging from a brush to clean the dust out the car to an adaptor to read SD cards from cameras on our laptop. Bahir Dar is the 3rd largest city in Ethiopia and there are at least 10 shops next door to each other selling exactly the same thing, our challenge was knowing where the relevant clusters of shops were. We then phoned up the Toyota garage to find out annoyingly that the part from Addis had not shipped in time and we would be stuck in Bahir Dar until Monday when it will arrive and will be fitted. At this point it would be fair to say I got a little tiny bit cross, explaining that they broke a bolt without telling us and have left ... read more
Bahir Dir Market
Boat tour (with man with Gun)

Africa » Ethiopia January 31st 2020

You spend days waiting for simple things like a tarmac road and a larger town where you can actually get some decent supplies, and then you get stuck in one and it isn't that much fun. We headed off early in the knowledge of making Bahir Dar on the lake and having a lazy day catching-up, doing washing, replacing the blown tyre and re-supplying. We were on good tarmac roads and the going was good as we approached the outskirts and saw a Toyota service centre and dealership. Since the steering was a little off (likely due to all the bumps) we decided to stop in and get the steering aligned. They were very friendly and said it would take 30 minutes, well it didn't. After an hour they explained some of the bolts they needed ... read more
Toyota guys breaking the bolt on the steering
Unpacking our life as we leave Nelly at the workshop
Tuk tuk into Bahir Dar

Africa » Ethiopia January 30th 2020

We set out hoping to cover some ground in the knowledge we were told there was tarmac for a good portion of our journey today, who new it could be so bad. We left Woliso early and made our way up gravel tracks to the rim of a blown out Volcano (known as a Caldera). The views were very impressive but as always even in the middle of nowhere people appeared and harassed us so we quickly moved on. We did hit a tarmac road but there were so many washed away sections and massive potholes we only averaged about 20km/hr which was much slower than dirt tracks. Eventually the tarmac improved and we enjoyed at least 50km of excellent road before it took a real turn for the worse. However not before Alain missed a ... read more
Front of Nelly after taking a beating
Campfire and dinner

Africa » Ethiopia January 29th 2020

We are definitely travelling the road less travelled as we just don’t see any other tourists, but what we do see is real Ethiopian (we think). Whilst we might complain about the roads (and yes they were bad tracks occasionally relieved with tarmac, albeit with massive potholes), it is really quite telling to look at those by the side of the road. Everywhere we stop or even slow down we get hounded for money, water and lifts down the road. As we came through the South everyone lived in little mud huts by the side of the road in traditional tribal villages and while they may not have had much they seemed happy. The men all carried small wooden stools and AK47 assault rifles, women always carried water containers and children mainly seemed to have sticks ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia January 28th 2020

After a great night staying at the Catholic mission where David and Gonzalez were extremely welcoming and even gave us breakfast. We did manage to give them a contribution to their refugee camp but the main favour they asked for was for us to transport a sick old lady and a mother and her baby to a nearby clinic for treatment. Well it would be fair to say their hygiene standards were different and we enjoyed open windows to get a breeze. It also turns out the treatment centre was about 50KM away. I think our travelling companions had never been in a car, but they did take a fondness to Alain in the back with them! Since we could not get through our proposed route we had to double back a little and go round ... read more
Trying to kiss a Warthog

Africa » Ethiopia January 27th 2020

What started out as a good day ended up very muddy and poor Nelly reached the limit of how far we could go. We headed into Turmi to try and buy some supplies but the sum total of potatos, tomatos, onions and garlic seemed all that was available. So after limited purchases we pushed North, although finding the road out of town proved harder than we thought as the one we believed to be correct ended in a footpath. Eventually we did find the right road and headed out of town where they had started building a massive road, but of course we couldn’t go on it and had to go down a rather bumpy set of tracks down the side. Eventually and rather unexpectedly we reached a section of Tarmac in the middle of nowhere ... read more
Killing one of those biting insects
Sunset at the Catholic mission

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