HaPPy NeW YeAR!!

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December 31st 2009
Published: December 31st 2009
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Welcome to the New YearWelcome to the New YearWelcome to the New Year

Hope it's a good one for you!
Wow - I can't believe I have managed to create an entry on the same day the event happened!

In fact, even better, I have created an entry BEFORE the event actually happened where you are!

While you guys are warming up for Auld Lang Syne, kissing marathons and Jools Holland we have passed our milestone and are heading for bed with a nice cup of coco.

Well, a bottle of St George actually, but it is a holiday tomorrow after all...er...well maybe unofficially.

For Ethiopians the new year (or "addis amit") is in September, with Christmas on January 7th.

It's no wonder people here get confused. I have been bombarded with very kind - but somewhat premature - text messages wishing me a Happy New Year since Christmas Eve.

Then again, one of the Ferengis I was with tonight did start singing 'we wish you a Merry Christmas'!

I was expecting to spend tonight on my todd at home in Assosa with a few cold beers waiting for a call from Sara from the volunteer's New Year Party in Addis.

Fortunately there was still one Ferengi in Assosa, or so I had
Andreas (& family)Andreas (& family)Andreas (& family)

Saved me from a Dinner for One on New Year's Eve
been told. All the rest - and there is only a handful here anyway - were either overseas for the holidays or in Addis with other Ferengi.

Andreas had been spotted with his wife, three children and short-term SIL colleague - also from Germany and also called Andreas.

I called to see if they had any plans and they kindly invited me over for a typical German New Year's Eve...but in Assosa.

First we started with fresh bread pieces dipped in a hot cheese fondue, then moved outside and sat around the fire, talking, playing games and cooking food.

Although I had eaten bonfire-baked potatoes before, I had never taken a stick, sharpened one end, wrapped fresh bread dough around it and heated it in the fire until baked.

When ready you pull the warm bread off the end of the stick and stuff the hole with (in our case) grated cheese and tomato ketchup. Delicious!

As midnight passed - which caused some debate as all our phones and watches showed different times - we cheered and welcomed in 2010.

All the neighbours were in bed - as was 99% of Assosa -
Cooking German bread sticksCooking German bread sticksCooking German bread sticks

Definately not the same procedure as last year, Ms Sara
but for some reason all the dogs in the neigbourhood started barking at midnight. It was a full moon and I guess some of the local lyncanthropes had decided to get all hairy...?

We substituted fireworks for sparklers and with the camera on slow shutter release we made a nice photo to celebrate.

Sara called from Addis and we were too busy exchanging greetings and good wishes with party-goers to dwell on the fact this is our first New Year's Eve apart since we got together on the very same evening in 1997...

So farewell to 2009. The year I turned 40 and we were granted a miracle.

It's been an amazing year but here's to 2010; coming home, starting afresh and....(gulp)....parenthood 😊 😊 😊

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Oh deary, deary me..Oh deary, deary me..
Oh deary, deary me..

You'll have to make up your own caption I'm afraid :)
Special message for SaraSpecial message for Sara
Special message for Sara

Wish we could be together for our anniversary :(

1st January 2010

Missed you too!
Thanks for the special message - looked like a really lovely evening :-)

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