Blogs from Congo Democratic Republic, Africa - page 4


Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » East » Goma October 28th 2011

As you pass a United Nations sniper tower, a truck loaded with mercenary’s thunders past holding rocket launchers, machetes and AK47′s. While political activists rally for the looming elections, Congolese soldiers dressed like Rambo carry mounted machine guns to protect road blocks around the city. With armoured vehicles at every intersection, and police patrolling the streets, helicopter gunships hover above watching your every move. Attempting to enter a conflict zone on a tourist visa is surreal, the fact that it is even possible a mind-blowing experience. Realizing that the British Foreign Office has travel restrictions in place invalidating your insurance policy the reality. With tourist visa #479 it quickly becomes clear that only Non Government Organisations and the most intrepid travellers dare visit the Kivu province in the Eastern Congo. Delayed at the Gisenyi border for ... read more
United Nations Truck
Political Rally
Refugee Children

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » West » Kinshasa October 20th 2011

19 septembre : Début de ma semaine de congé. Je me pointe quand même au bureau pour gosser sur l’internet. Lunch, resto grec. Visite, avec 3 collègues, du mausolée de Laurent désiré Kabila, père de l’actuel président qui a été assassine par son garde-du-corps en 2001. Constat, la Garde présidentiel est compose d’autant de mendiants que de policier. Souper, yaourt et biscuit. 20 septembre : J’en profite pour aller au gym du cercle belge. Je traverse en bateau le fleuve Congo pour me rendre à Brazza. Rencontre intéressante sur le bateau d’un Québécois marie a une Burundaise qui habite a Washington. Il est ingénieur forestier et travaille pour une ONG US. Il voyage régulièrement en Afrik depuis 1982. La traverse en bateau prends environ 5-10 minutes, mais les formalités administratives, les arnaques et la mendicité des ... read more
mausole 2
mausole 3
mausole 4

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » West » Kinshasa September 19th 2011

30 aout : depart de matadi a 7:30, direction Boma, on arrive vers 10:00. Route passablement magane. Lunch : salade de poulet dans un genre de pub vraiment tres sympathique, ressemble presque a un pub de Montreal. Boma est une ville portuaire, il y a 3 Russes au bar, je les soupeconne d’etre des marins. L’hotel est correct. Souper : bol de petits pois et de carottes. 31 aout : Retour a Matadi. Souper dans un petit maquis avec une tres grosse maman africaine, riz et feves. 1 septembre : Retour a Kinshasa, depart de Matadi a 8 :30 arrive a Kinshasa a 16 :00. Il y a des petits troubles a Kinshasa. Souper a l’hotel, poulet a la congolaise, sauce aux tomates epices. 2 septembre : Conciliation financiere au bureau suite a notre voyage au ... read more
feu 3
feu 2
feu 4

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » West » Matadi August 29th 2011

23 aout : Je recontacte le chauffeur que j’avais à Lubumbashi en 2006 ainsi qu’un logisticien béninois toujours en RDC cette fois a Kinshasa. Lunch : spaghetti avec sauce tomate et capitaine pane. Le plus gros billet est le 500 FC (francs congolais) ca équivaut a peut prêt a 0.50 $. Mettons que ca fait des piles de billets dans les poches. Ca bas le record de la Gambie ou le plus gros billet équivalait à un 2 $. Souper : sandwiche au bœuf. Croise de nouveau sur la route le cortège du président, il semblerait qu’il conduit par lui-même sa voiture. 24 aout : Petit déjeuner : yaourt et salade de fruit. Plusieurs rencontres, comme d’habitude, dont une vraiment intéressant avec une ONG tenu par une canadienne de Calgary, candidate libérale défaite a Toronto et ... read more

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » West » Kinshasa August 21st 2011

8 aout : Depart pour la RDC. Prends le taxi pour l’aeroport vers 16 :00, chauffeur de taxi sympathique. Routine d’aeroport, achat de magasine The economist et Jeune Afrique, sandwiche a 8 $, decollage a 19 :45, direction Bruxelle. Trajet d’environ 7 heures. Ca c’est bien passe. Regarder un film sur des jeunes Brits obliges de donner leurs organes, pas super sympathique. 9 aout : Arrive a Bruxelle vers 9 :00. Decollage vers 11 :00 en direction de Kinshasa via Yaounde (Cameroun). Je commencais a trouve le voyage un peu long, j’avais hate d’arrive. Ca c’est pas mal bien passe a l’aeroport de Kinshasa, valise, douane, en 2006 ca avait pas mal breter. Mes premiers collegues que je rencontres sont : Alyson une jolie Etatsunienne et Alfredo, un Italien que j’ai déjà cotoye au Niger avec ... read more

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » East » Bukavu July 17th 2011

...og vips så var to veker gått. Det gjekk kjapt, og no sit eg plutseleg på Bryne. Fysisk er eg tilstades, mentalt heng eg litt etter. Kongo gjorde inntrykk. Somme av desse inntrykka blir presentert her i hulter til bulter. 26. juni var Madagaskar sin nasjonaldag. Kva er då meir naturleg enn å feire dagen med gassarar i Kongo? Å feire den saman med FN soldatar i frå Uruguay. Det var litt av ei forsamling, men trivleg nok søndagsunderhaldning. Vi spela Pro Evolution Soccer, Noreg mot Uruguay. Sjelden har det vore så irriterande å vere i frå Noreg, for landslaget vårt i fotball er ubrukeleg, og i alle fall på PlayStation. Gleda var difor stor, og dansen underleg, då eg skåra kampens første mål. Rolegare vart eg då Diego Forlan putta to. Bittert. FN si stjerne ... read more

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » East » Bukavu June 25th 2011

Mørkre har lagt seg, ute regnar det. Gårdsplassen vert glimtvis opplyst av lyn, og i det fjerne høyrer eg tordenskrall. Eg befinn meg i Bukavu, i den austre delen av Den demokratiske republikken Kongo. Her er eg for å gjere intervjuer i samband med hovuoppgåva eg skal skrive neste vår. Omalg nokså nøyaktig midt i Afrika har eg vore i snart to veker. Reisa ned hit gjekk finfint, utan store utfordingar. Eg landa i Kigali, Rwanda tidleg på morgonen, og i møtet med stive prisar på taxi inn til sentrum, gjekk eg ut på motorvegen i søkjen etter ein buss. Etter mindre enn ti minutt stoppa ein sivil pickup og spurte om nokon ville vere med inn til byen. Klart det. Og vips så hadde eg fått ein stråklande start påopphaldet mitt på dette fascinerande kontinentet. ... read more

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » South » Lubumbashi March 30th 2011

“I was born lost and take no pleasure in being found.” – Steinbeck Everyone I had met or read about told me that crossing the 2500km route southbound through the DRC would be either too dangerous, due to regional conflict and corrupt officials, or simply impossible, due to bad roads and lack of vehicles. Walking came to mind as a possible solution to the latter problem, but then I met a military major who had walked the entire route from Lubumbashi to Kinshasa (at the time Mobutu was chased from power); It had taken him seven months. In order to cross the country in time with my one-month visa, I would either need a miracle, or a flight (southbound via Angola was ruled out after a quick glance at their visa procedure). Needless to say flying ... read more
come on MSF, you can do it
MSF, down for the count

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic March 6th 2011

Left off the last blog promising to leave Cameroon soon, and after two more weeks, a highly entertaining funeral, more lessons in African "business", and a good Valentine's Day party (here it was a lot less flowers and chocolate, a lot more bar-hopping 'till 5 a.m.), it was finally time to leave the capital, equator-bound. Seeing as both my Cameroonian and Gabonese visas were expired, my plan was to avoid the heavy immigration control at the main border crossing and head for the dirt roads of the bush, where showing up on foot as a single female with a passport full of African stamps can go a long way. At first it seemed the plan had backfired, as upon arriving at Sangmelima, the last city southbound in Cameroon, the military checkpoint saw the expired date. I ... read more

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » East » Goma February 1st 2011

A second deadly attack in less than a week by FDLR Rwandan militia in the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic has left one ranger dead and one seriously injured. Both the driver who is in hospital and Ranger Muhindo Mburungani (who was killed instantly) were part of a civilian protection unit positioned along the road. The attack too place about 180 km north of the city of Goma and west of Lake Edward. Their attackers have not yet been apprehended. . According to officials in the area, it is believed that an influx of about 700 FDLR militia may be positioned in the area. The militia group is an illegal movement believed to include the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide in 1994. The parks of the eastern DRC are home to half the world ... read more

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