Blogs from Burundi, Africa - page 4


Africa » Burundi » West » Bujumbura October 20th 2008

Burundi at Last Months of planning and finally our traveling duo were on their way to the great continent of Africa. We checked in for our flight at the Athens airport and boarded the plane with little out of the ordinary. From Athens to Cairo we flew for the first leg of our long journey. We had a planned layover in Egypt of eight hours… As we entered the Cairo airport, we were offered a complimentary daytrip to see the Pyramids and have a meal at a restaurant nearby. However, after this much time traveling and being keenly aware of the “scam factor” we had many questions before making a commitment. We were reluctant to leave our passports with the airport personnel to take part in the daytrip, which was required. When the issue of money ... read more
Children at Carama

Africa » Burundi July 21st 2008

A very big hello (jambo sana) from Bujumbura, Burundi. It has been non stop for Carissa and I since we arrived in Nairobi, Kenya last Tuesday after a marathon 34hrs of travel (Sydney, Bangkok, London, Nairobi). Upon arriving in Nairobi we met up with Carissa's parents who are here to preach at two separate missions conferences, as well as visit a prison that our local church back home has built toilet facilities for. Our first port of call was to the prison, which is in Lamu- a small island off the coast of Kenya. Ps Jack dedicated 3 new flush toilet blocks (there were no facilities prior to this). Carissa and I were privilidged to assist with the administration of care packages to both the wardens and the prisoners (mattresses, sandals, toiletries etc). The outreach was ... read more
Vantage point lookout Nairobi
Carnivore - Nairobi
Meat Lovers only - Carnivore Nairobi

Africa » Burundi » West » Bujumbura May 10th 2008

Hello, my dear friends, family, students, and those I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting! As many of you may know, after looking for opportunities to live in other countries for a number of years, I have been given the chance to move to Burundi, East Africa this summer to volunteer with a Christian organization called Amahoro Africa. ... read more

Africa » Burundi » West » Bujumbura December 7th 2007

Moments in Burundi. 30:th of November to 6:th of December 2007.... read more
Palm oil

Africa » Burundi » West » Bujumbura February 2nd 2007

I don't know how many reasons you need to visit a country. For Burundi I had two. See the title of this blog to discover the two reasons. Maybe you could add a third, the fact that I didn't know anyone else who had been here, but it is principally cakes and beaches that led me to board an overcrowded minibus for the arduous journey south from Rwanda. Cakes: Burundi is the most Francophone of the East African countries. Consequently, in the hot, dusty capital, Bujumbura, there are a lot of excellent little patisseries catering for the hoards of French and Belgian UN officials and NGO's. Beaches: The inland beaches of Burundi are found on the northern tip of Lake Tanganyika. It was nice to dip my toes in this, the longest freshwater lake in the ... read more
Saga Beach
Found This In The Shower
Saga Beach

Africa » Burundi November 11th 2005

The "taxi" bicycle is one of public transportation readily used in Bujumbura. Additionally, small vans (for city routes) and larger buses (for transportation over land between Burundi and other nearby countries) provide other alternatives to the public. During my stay in Bujumbura, I'm positive that I saw thousands of bicycles.... read more
Taxi Bicycle - Lady Customer
Hauling Grass

Africa » Burundi November 11th 2005

I'm writing to you from Bujumbura, Burundi (Africa). Burundi is nestled between Tanzania, Zaire and Rwanda. I've been here since November 2nd and will be departing on November 19th. It is listed as being one of the poorest countries in the world. Additionally, there is a civil war going on at the same time. As such, there are some restrictions on my ability to move around the region. Still, I find the country to be very interesting and moreso the people here. I would really like to get around more and take additional pictures characterizing the sights and culture in the "Booj". ... read more
Got "Game"?
Burundian Lad

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