Blogs from Angola, Africa - page 3


Africa » Angola » South » Lubango April 17th 2007

Somewhere north of Tsumeb in northern Namibia the German influence ceased. I found myself back in the African cultural heartland - unorganized, dirty, crowded and vibrant. After some lame attempts by the Angolan border-police to extract bribes, I was inside the country, swarmed by teenage moneychangers. In a dirty 4x4 a fat white man with a wry face, sat jammed between the seat and the steering wheel, which sank into his belly. He would take me as far as Xangongo for a beer, he said, which sounded great to me although I had no clue where it was. Big fields of late-summer grass would glow with a pink hue in the sunset and the great Baobabs would rise from the plains like petrified monsters. Along the roadside there were only a few houses, but the fat ... read more
Hitching in the Chinese dust
Flowers and tanks
Roadside entrepeneurs

Africa » Angola » North » Luanda March 29th 2007

Next chapter on community Community I have heard the claim that all of the six billion plus people on this planet are connected by a mere six degrees. Valid or not, I think it is fair to say that in the present age we are closer to people from all over the globe than ever before. This metaphorical shrinking of the world has now made the creation of a global community possible and has changed the way people think about community the world over. It used to be that the definition of community was easily agreed upon as ones family members, friends and neighbors. However, as time has gone by a new definition is needed. To me, community is ones feeling of connection to others. As I mentioned in the introduction, a girl helping a woman ... read more

Africa » Angola December 1st 2006

It's hard to believe we've been here almost 3 months and are on the cusp of our first big vacation! Time has flown by very fast, which I suppose is a direct result of how busy we've been. So I figured it was a good time to send out an update and tell some stories of our exploits to date. We finally moved into our house on October 28 after 7 weeks in a temporary guest house. It's funny as we meet people here, how many of them also stayed in that place! It's like it's a rite of passage here. It was perfectly adequate but not having a yard was getting old with Ozzy, the "devil dog". Also, there was a professional "party house" (really a patio) across the street which hosted events, usually with ... read more
Finish Line
Boat Ride to Mussulo
Cuanza River

Africa » Angola November 28th 2006

Ei gente boa! Tenho recebido centenas de milhar de mails com gente preocupada e a temer pela minha sobrevivência nesta terra esquecida por Deus. A todos esses, calma! Nao quero que fiquem com a impressão errada disto. Não é propriamente a Ilha da Tentação, mas também está longe de ser a Coreia do Norte. Para que fiquem esclarecidos: - tenho direito a um prato de sopa por dia (à noite). - sabado à noite posso sair e caçar companhia para conversar. (estou ansioso por ter um carro e sair daqui à procura de mil e um lugares) Também recebi imensas queixas de Engenheiros, candidatos a Engenheiros e ainda familiares de Engenheiros. A todos esses, contactem o meu Advogado (Engº. Xano Cigano). Sois uns bananas! Andais com uma venda nos olhos ... Também constatei que há imensa ... read more

Africa » Angola November 26th 2006

Não quero assustar, nada disso, mas se calhar os pontinhos não passam disso mesmo, pontinhos! E o que eu preciso é de pontos, muitos pontos para ficar nesta terra em que só as formigas dão sinais de alguma organização (estou a ser muito injusto para com as formigas). Sinceramente, isto é tudo muito engraçado, o ir para Angola em busca de novas experiências e as dificuldades que podem ser um desafio, mas estar como eu estou, sem veículo e dependente do juízo de um engenheiro - "engineer" a partir de agora, e com a voz que se ouvia no Command & Conquer (Raquel, é um jogo tipo Simcity 1968, mas para homens) - mais parece um vá para fora cá dentro (de casa). Acreditem, tinha imensa curiosidade em trabalhar com engenheiros. Desde o 1º ano da ... read more
Fugiran! Os Tugas Fugiran!
Ah, pois, claro! Depende

Africa » Angola November 11th 2006

Olá, Já cheguei a Angola, As primeiras impressões são que isto é mesmo uma … África! (é possível e provável que a opinião melhore). As ruas estão todas partidas, a construção que existe já é do tempo em que os portugueses pensavam que aqui eram gente. A casa onde estou não é nenhum palácio, mas sempre dá para viver e ver futebol (eu que o tinha já quase largado). O quarto tem uma cama, uma mesinha de cabeceira e um ar condicionado. Só falta ... alguma coisa, mas ok. Quando aparecerem mais obras e formos uma empresa a sério pode ser que compre um candeeiro. A melhor coisa: Internet! Hoje aqui é feriado, é o dia da independência. De manhã fomos ver uns terrenos para explorar areia, alta paisagem natural, e também passamos por sítios engraçados ... read more
O meu Quarto
Hall da Entrada
Eu, o Zédu e a Lama

Africa » Angola » North » Luanda September 24th 2006

Well things have slowly been improving as I got back my luggage! Well half of it as a good chunk was stolen. Clothes, my gameboy, shampoo and other various knickknacks were pillfered at I'm assuming. Oh well, life goes on and at least my camera wasn't taken! Note to self: take electronics with you on the plane next adventure. So the job is/was boring. Just watching giant oil companies mess up the surrounding waters with pollution and trying my best to stay out of the lumbering machines way. The one good thing about being out about 10km offshore while working is I seem to attract a lot of dolphins and other cute critters of the sea. Almost everyday I would spot a bunch of dolphins playing about, or some whales slowly plodding along besides the boats. ... read more
View from a plane

Africa » Angola » North » Luanda August 28th 2006

A huge amount has happened since I left my little slice of paradise in Nova Scotia. Yup, one big giant wad of crap to be precise. Where to start, where to start…. Ok, first off some airport or airliner lost my luggage. Could be in Paris, or maybe it is somewhere in New York, but knowing my shitty luck it is probably on its way to Japan or something. So I arrive in the Congo again only this time I got nothing. Well, a couple of books, one change of clothes, and some gum. No toothpaste, clothes, gameboy, magazines, shampoo, and all the other important junk I need. So yup, there you go. First things first I guess. At first I spent a day in Paris trying to figure out if my bags are around, which ... read more

Africa » Angola » North » Luanda August 23rd 2006

Eight things that I didn’t know about the capital of Angola a week ago: (1) It is one of the most expensive cities in the world; I assume, the most expensive in Africa. US$10 for an iceberg lettuce, for example. And I’m assured that eating out in London seems modestly priced by comparison. (2) The US dollar is, effectively, a second currency, thanks, in no small part, to the booming oil industry here. (3) Along the coast, the most oft-sighted bird is the common egret; a curiously spectacular bird to be apparent in such numbers. Not a seagull in sight. (4) There is, effectively, no tourist industry; not even a scruffy photocopied handout at the Luanda Fort where nothing is labelled, and street-sellers simply sell goods targeted at the general population rather than hassling the (non-existent) ... read more
view towards central Luanda from where I was staying
plaque commemorating David Livingstone on the British ambassador's residence
view of Luanda Fort from PwC's offices

Africa » Angola July 2nd 2004

Title: Travelblog from Schwann-at-sea - Chapter 5 - Days Wednesday 10th Day 4: Just another peaceful day. No transits, just some trance. Getting to know the ship, the crew, and my fellow passengers. Got a good connection with Willy, the 2nd engineer, who says he’ll try and get this journal out via email tomorrow, so I’ve been preparing a movie to amaze and astound. Eat this blog from deep Atlantic, a.r.k.! Thursday 11th Day 5: Another peaceful day. I worked in the afternoon on my book, and, like this ship, it is hopefully going somewhere. I should note that being at breakfast with the Captain and my fellow passengers at 8.00 AM in the morning is, IMHO, an ungodly hour of the morning for pleasantry and I have therefore given notice ... read more

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