To Eagle Point

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July 25th 2015
Published: August 7th 2015
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To Eagle Point

After chatting with some folks, we decided to head for Eagle Point, which was close to the end of the lake on the north arm. Sixteen km later, we arrived.

The day was a mix of sun and cloud but generally, great paddle weather. We made a pit stop about 7 km into the trip, and I asked Matthew if he would like to try the rear seat--he was eager! Matthew has had limited canoe experience and this was his first multi-day paddle trip. We gave him some pointers, some strokes to try, and off we went--well sort of--we went in a few circles, a few wide arcs straight to shore, then off across the lake and back again. Now if you have paddled before, you know paddling from the front and back with the same strokes offer opposite effects. Eventually, Matthew caught on and we were relatively straight on the calm waters. Then we taught him a couple more strokes to add to his portfolio which resulted in more circles and wide arcs.

We stopped and chatted with a group camped at Moonlight Bay. As with all the folks we encountered, they were very friendly and enjoying this outdoor experience, even the kids. They said a group went south earlier in the morning and there was no one left on the north end--we had it all to ourselves.

Until this point, the waters were calm with little wind. However, the "wind gods" decided to add a little drama and some more learning experiences (for both of us). Luckily, the wind came up from behind (well, maybe lucky). With the waves, a tippy boat, a new rear-seat paddler, and a conflict in the direction that the paddlers wanted to go, meant our course was a little off track. Matthew wanted the safety of the middle of the lake (less rocks to run into), and I wanted to stay closer to shore (more rocks to run into). Finally, I convinced Matthew safety and potential swimming was better done closer to shore. With that, we headed straight to the rocks. No! Along the shore. Not, at the shore…. We both experienced some learning. To Matthew’s credit, he stayed in the rear position and got us to Eagle Point..., still dry and in one piece.

Our camp was just up from the coarse, sandy beach -- about six meters up
Murtle Lake Trip 2015-19Murtle Lake Trip 2015-19Murtle Lake Trip 2015-19

Eagle Point looking South
a steep, tree-rooted path -- nicely nestled in the trees, very cozy. Up went all the gear and food. Another tasty meal and a relaxing drink. This is the life!

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Murtle Lake Trip 2015-20Murtle Lake Trip 2015-20
Murtle Lake Trip 2015-20

Eagle Point Looking North
Murtle Lake Trip 2015-21Murtle Lake Trip 2015-21
Murtle Lake Trip 2015-21

Looking North Wider perspective
Murtle Lake Trip 2015-24Murtle Lake Trip 2015-24
Murtle Lake Trip 2015-24

Mist in the Valley

16th September 2015

Those photos are stunning. The depth and shading of the clouds are beautifully captured. Thanks.
16th September 2015

Thanks Sally!
So pleased you enjoyed the photos. David enjoys sharing them!

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