I Wanna Be the Girl With the Most Cake

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Europe » France » Île-de-France
September 23rd 2023
Published: November 16th 2023
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Was I an Aristocrat in a previous life? Was I an Aristocrat in a previous life? Was I an Aristocrat in a previous life?

I swear to God I think I am an Austrian princess reincarnated.
Where was I traveling to for my Fifty-Fifth birthday? I kept my family & friends guessing this year. The game parameters were simple. Somewhere I hadn’t been before, and absolutely no hints. The person lucky enough to name the destination would get a prize pack from there.

Well. Holy shit. This awoke some kind of carnal competitive gene amongst everyone I ever knew. I was inundated by texts and emails and phone calls.

All good guesses. All wrong.

Some of my closest friends were convinced I’d go tropical. Nope. Colleagues, Iceland. My parents came up with Octoberfest. Nope. One Aunt thought perhaps Venice.

My younger cousins tried to trip me up by enquiring about the actual airline, or the time of departure, or the type of clothing I had packed. Airport? Did they think I was born yesterday? I withstood their relentless interrogations. Not one guessed correctly.

On the official day of my birth, I sent out a picture of myself on top of the Eiffel Tower. The ol’ Iron Lady. It seemed apropos, as I was feeling a tad bit rusty retiring from my prison job.

Viva la France!

Two days before my
The Money ShotThe Money ShotThe Money Shot

Until you actually see it in person, you cannot understand the sheer size
birthday, I rolled out of the Charles De Gault and straight into an Uber with a hairy Armenian screaming into his phone while doing evasive traffic maneuvers. Nothing short of impressive.

Dumped off without much fanfare along the fringes of the 14th arrondissement in Montrouge, I knew I’d be happier in suburbia. Here, I can blend. A quick stroll around the neighbourhood to get my bearings, and I popped into the grocer to top up my sustenance horde.

The French. They come by their reputation honestly, don’t they? I mean who has an entire isle dedicated to yogurts?

The city itself. Expectantly French. Sirens wee woo wee woo wee woo’ing through the narrow streets. Graffiti and garbage applied so thick, it almost looks artsy. In the distance, I could see the Eiffel Tower lit up under a drastic sky.

I walked towards the catacombs with the idea I could just turn up. Denied. By a snooty doorman. I got waved away. My behaviour was very Americanistic so I’ll admit, the snoot was justified. Note to self. Never go out into judgyland again without a game plan.

Still with me?

Here’s my first time impressions
Fifty-Five! Fifty-Five! Fifty-Five!

Happy birthday to me! A retirement gift
of Paris.

I discovered the subtle enjoyment of strolling unnoticed through their Saturday street markets full of antiques, fruits/veg, trinkets, and books. I also witnessed Parisians going about their business, vaping and letting their dogs shit all over the sidewalks.

So carefree are they, the Parisians sitting shoulder to shoulder reviewing cellphone screens in closely set tables, facing outwards. I swear the only reason there is a cafe culture here is so they can all smoke like chimneys. Men with cartoonishly large helmets on tiny scooters go by with obnoxious mufflers that belch blue smoke, filthy streets littered with cigarette butts and pigeons, and darkened piss stains. I loved it all.

The Louvre at dawn. The glass pyramid amongst a stark sky. Pleased. As the crowds queue and the umbrella salesmen hover, I feel their nervous energy. Even if you bought a skip-the-queue ticket, you still queue.

Once inside, me and thousands of patrons all pack in tightly to see the Mona Lisa, as I wait my turn I wonder how old she was. Could she be my age? No. Lisa Gherandini Giocondo was about 25 when this portrait was painted. Geez. Time was not kind
The Lovely BonesThe Lovely BonesThe Lovely Bones

6 million Parisians living underground in the catacombs
was it? I thought she was a rich, older woman living in the renaissance times. She stared me down like she was doing her own age analysis on me.

The endless rooms at the Louvre and the opulence of the ceilings and tapestry covered walls really got me. Thrilled. What kind of museum is this? I actually forgot that it was once a palace. I had to just stop for a second and collect myself because I was being over stimulated by the sheer spectacle of it. I even fangirled out over the Crown Jewels. Whose palace was this? Which Louis? Will need to look that up, but I suspect it’s the 14th one.

Before venturing outside into the pooling rain, I enjoyed a cafeteria lunch of savory pumpkin soup, and I even splurged for a delicious pot of raspberry mousse. Mind you, I almost needed a bank loan to pay for it, but I’ll admit I was still in this trance of grandeur, so my wallet didn’t even notice. Overall, I really did get my money’s worth tackling almost the entire Louvre in 4 hours. Feet hurt though.

As the sun made its appearance, I spotted
The SideChickThe SideChickThe SideChick

Everyone knows this face. Lisa del Giocondo
one of those toutsuite hop-on-hop-off buses and made my executive decision right then. No shame in being one of “those” tourists. Traffic is such a nuisance in Paris, and the zillions of tourists all bustling about, nightmare. Plus, apparently the Rugby World Cup was in town. I’m seeing waves of middle-aged, inebriated men adorned in green sport shirts, bellowing chants. They are literally everywhere. Ireland verses South Africa. I avoided anything that resembled a pub.

From the safety of my bus perch, we went around the Arc de Triumph, the rebuild of Notre Dame cathedral, Palais de Chaillet (I don’t know either), Champs de Mars, and crisscrossed the entire core of the city, when not deadlocked in traffic jams.

I wasn’t sure where to start, so when we arrived at the top of the hill Montmartre with the Sacré Coeur Basilica, I got off to explore it and took some great pictures of the Eiffel Tower, before descending down into the chaos on the Pont d'Iéna bridge, and found myself walking with the rest of the city until I found a metro M.

Oh yes, and King Charles & Camilla are in town for my birthday too,
Life in the streets of ParisLife in the streets of ParisLife in the streets of Paris

The roasted chestnut and corn salesmen worked out of shopping buggies and I was surprised at how many customers they had. I’m not a fan of either delicacy
so British flags are flying everywhere. I stood with everyone else as their black car entourage barreled down the Avenue des Champs-Elysées with the wee woos. It was a very "peasants verses royalty" moment.

How French do I feel!

Hopefully they won’t mess up my plans to visit Versailles in the coming days. I’ve heard they are having a lavish dinner party there with celebs like Mick Jagger and Ken Follet and Hugh Grant. I wasn’t invited.

I’m very pleased and oddly comfortable to be in France, Albeit I do realize, this is just Paris and I’d be ridiculous to think it’s an accurate reflection of the rest of the country. Further exploration will be required.

Being a Canadian, I already subliminally know French. French words I didn’t realize I knew, which are flying out of my mouth. And of course, the piece de resistance…ha ha see what I did there, the Eiffel Tower!

In my 55 years, I’ve seen countless images of this engineering marvel, but until you actually stand underneath it, you can’t grasp the massiveness of this iron structure.


I found the skip-the-line queue for climbing, and after a
Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful

Really nice
bit of a wait, marched up the stairs with hundreds of others, before taking the lift to the very top. Champagne was on offer along with macaroons if you so care to indulge. With this stunning clear day, views were as far as the eye could see. Unbelievable! I queued for all the lineups within the tower and made my way up down and around it all. I took a moment to myself and just view watched before I mailed a postcard off to my only niece.

Then my birthday location reveal was transmitted out to my people. The accolades came instantaneously. Everyone had been waiting.

I booked the famous cafe Les Deux Magots for my birthday lunch, but they almost gave away my table when I turned up five minutes late. A quick flash of ID and a little begging, and I was reinstated. I went as French as I could with the menu, ordering burgundy snails, duck foie gras with toasts, their house Niçoise salad, champagne, and some pastries from la grande épicerie de Paris. My bill? $150 Canadian, with a tip for the snooty waiter who could have cared less it was my birthday.
Men in GreenMen in GreenMen in Green

Crammed into anywhere that sells alcohol these guys were just waiting around for their team to play, they hardly noticed Paris.

Those royals, Chuck & Cammie, left Versailles in one piece. I went out on the train and enjoyed the afternoon. I had a head cold but I rallied. Ok well, I hate being in pushy crowds, especially when I’m under the weather. So many people. Let me rephrase that. So many people who have no spacial awareness. Ugh. Again the palace was massive, and opulent, good ol’ Louis 14 with his inflated ego. Here, Marie Antoinette and Louis 16 were run out of town, and all their treasures looted. Such a show of wealth and power. No wonder the French people revolted.

My last few days I enjoyed a bit of shopping, cafe’ing, sightseeing, restaurant’ing, and making my way around the city by foot and metro, and the odd cheeky Uber. Walking amongst them, the French appear to only have two settings. Speed walking with an air of importance while vaping, or leisurely stroll, while vaping.

Restaurants are stupid expensive in Paris. Or maybe it’s just me who can’t afford Europe? All I know is I’ve been living off pots of yogurt and day-old baguette with chervil cheese spread.

Which was amazing, by the way!

The tragic RebuildThe tragic RebuildThe tragic Rebuild

I know for me, it’s not a big deal to see a burned down church but I did really want to see Notre Dame as it was. Hopefully someday I will.
returned to the catacombs with an online ticket this time round. Holy, you literally go five stories underground and walk for miles underneath the city, popping up in another arrondissement. The amount of bones & skulls are horrifying, 6 million people reburied, but arranged very attractively. It feels very Avantgarde, and definitely French.

Turns out, Parisians are not exactly as rude as I expected them to be. Waiters yes. But most of the locals I encountered in their daily activities tried to engage me and made friendly concessions, like allowing me first in lineups. My gesturing was at a level of impatience they approved of. Most allowed me to bumble some French instead of immediately berating me in English. I learned buying any fresh fruit or veg at the market requires you to weigh and price it yourself or risk getting yelled at by the cashier.

New French word: Faux Pas.

After my birthday week was over, I reported back to the Charles De Gault, which for an international airport, is just nuts. All I can wonder is why it looks like Dr. Seuss designed it?

My next destination is one I’ve waited all my life
Saturday MarketsSaturday MarketsSaturday Markets

Loved walking around the neighbourhood checking out the items for sale under white tents. It was fascinating
to see, Egypt. I’m so excited and donned my Egypt Air flight with the confidence of a lunatic. Hey what can I say, it was cheap.

Additional photos below
Photos: 23, Displayed: 23


Moody ParisMoody Paris
Moody Paris

I thought some how I’d be in the shoulder season, so not as many tourists, I was terribly wrong.
Cafe CultureCafe Culture
Cafe Culture

Although I highly suspect everyone is only hanging out at the local brassiere so they can smoke like a chimney
Stunning palaceStunning palace
Stunning palace

Walking around Versailles. Who am I kidding, shuffling in a gigantic crowd around Versailles, I feel like I’ve been here before.
Lovely Local Churches Lovely Local Churches
Lovely Local Churches

This is Saint Pierre de Montrogue church at Alesia in the 14th arrondissement. It was beautiful inside and out
Oh Louis Oh Louis
Oh Louis

Louis deregulated the grain market which increased bread prices. Iit led to food scarcity which, during a particularly bad harvest in 1775, (and if his wife did say what she said) prompted the masses to revolt.
Copper coffee breakCopper coffee break
Copper coffee break

I always snap photos of people in uniform. Of course I have to be a little sneaky but it’s my thing.
The Brits are hereThe Brits are here
The Brits are here

Union Jack was flying along side the French Fkag to indicate the King & Queen were in town.
Stunning Frescos Stunning Frescos
Stunning Frescos

I couldn’t get enough of all the beautiful art and frescos in the Louvre. It was my favourite part of Paris.
Flor de ShopFlor de Shop
Flor de Shop

Enjoyed checking out the multitude of flower shops around the neighbourhood. It confirms the French love their bouquets
Views for DaysViews for Days
Views for Days

How wonderful I got a fairly nice week of weather in Paris. I’ve heard that Autumn is as miserable as it is back home

The vividness of the paintings and the expression was so intriguing and I’d spend way too much time in front of painting like these, not realizing there were hundreds more to scrutinize
Champagne at the top of the towerChampagne at the top of the tower
Champagne at the top of the tower

This I did not expect but was a great way to cheer my 55th year around the sun
Room PhoRoom Pho
Room Pho

Although I don’t mind sitting in a restaurant by myself, my wallet did. So I found cheaper ways to enjoy Paris while still enjoying Paris. Who can resist a Pho.

16th November 2023

Happy Birthday!
And what an amazing place to celebrate! From reading about your travel loves over the years, I probably would have guessed your birthday pick was somewhere tropical too. Looking forward to exploring Egypt through your eyes :)
29th November 2023

Thanks! Yes I think tropical would have been nice too but I’m glad I picked Paris. Ubud is on my list now thanks to you guys! lol
16th November 2023

Well Happy Birthday !!
I love those relentless interrogations.... you deserved it. LOL. Viva la France is right and indeed a great place to celebrate anything. I'm a cheese-a-holic and you have to love a country that makes 464 kinds of cheese! Oh... the breads, pastries, wines and chocolate. What is not to love? Indeed the Louvre is a maze but what a place to get lost. We love Cafe Marley which is right across from the Louvre. We like going at sunset, sitting in the outdoor seating, while enjoying a bottle of wine and appetizers. As the lights come on darkness invades the pyramid is lovely. We kept thinking Tom Hanks would come running through the courtyard. We love hop on hop off buses. We ride them all the way around and then decide where we want to explore. It is like living in a map as it gives a great overview. I'm thrilled to hear Charles and Camilla are eager to celebrate your big day. Egypt is spectacular. I can't wait to hear what you experienced there.
29th November 2023

Thank you! 55 came fast. I’m probably not at the same level as you with the cheese. But the food in Paris was wonderful. They really know how to live.
16th November 2023
The Money Shot

Yeah for the most cake
Happy Birthday... dig in.
16th November 2023
Views for Days

A stunning city....
... with many views.
16th November 2023

Happy birthday!
Not sure if I would celebrate my birthday amongst the snooty Parisians, but I salute you for doing it! Very brave of you. Enjoy Egypt, it's amazing.
29th November 2023

Thank you!
It was a great place for a birthday celebration!! so much to do and see! I can deal with snoot. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
18th November 2023

Happy Birthday!
I love that you kept your destination a secret, such a fun idea to have everyone guessing. Looks like you had a great time. Looking forward to reading about Egypt.
29th November 2023

Thank you!
Oh yes, the family and my friends loved that game. It was fun. We all needed a bit of fun.
24th November 2023

I have been there many times and each experience was different. Sylvia and I went there for Christmas one year and decided to go to the Louvre but the queue to get in was 2 hours waiting in the snow so we got on a hop-on-hop-off bus and spent two hours going around Paris huddled in the back of the bus trying to keep warm.
29th November 2023

I don’t think I’d enjoy Paris in winter but the Autumn was quite nice. I can see myself returning in spring or summer to explore further. I loved it.
9th March 2024
The Lovely Bones

Such a cute photo! Love it.
This is very interesting! Will have this in my bucket list for sure

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