Photos from South America - page 4

High Rated (4.5)
Market lady
Coloured earth
The laguna kahuna
Laguna sparkle
Very steep scree
Suila summit close up
View from Paso Jurau
Amazing view!
A llama
The hot spring at Viconga
Pyramid peak (Trapezio?)
Peak of Yerapuja
Sun on a fluted ridge
3 lakes mirador
On the way up to 3 lakes mirador
Carhuacocha lake view
Cerro Mexico
Climbing up Rondoy
Wise old face
Amazon Basin
Equator Museum
Waiting at St Andrew's
King Penguins
King Colony
Hercules Bay
Gold Harbour
Fur Seal
Curious Fur Seal
Cabo Polonio
Sea lion
La Boca selfie
Atacama Altiplano
Atacama Altiplano
Atacama Dreaming
The road to San Pedro de Atacama
4/9 of the cats on the farm
Marko...Death Valley Blues
Coyote Stone
Death Valley
Atacama Desert
Valley of the Moon
Valley of the Moon
Valley of the Moon
The warm but chilling mountain Glaciers
My home: wouldn't change it!
After making it to the lake, we thought we had seen it all. How wrong!
Mystic waters
Epic Glaciers of Huaraz
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