Highest waterfall in The World!

Published: March 25th 2016
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Canaima Venezuela

I left Caracas to go to Maiquetia airport at 6:30 AM for a 10:40 AM flight to a Puerto Ordaz. Everything went smoothly and by 8:15 I was already sitting down and enjoying a delicious Venezuelan arepa de queso telita. I walked around bought some water and snacks and found my gate to sit down and wait for my flight by. The airport of Maiquetia is well equipped. It has a connective area for international flights , wifi, food and drinks, a couple of souvenir and other stuff shops, charging stations and screens and announcements. The flight left on time and I arrived at Puerto Ordaz around 11:30. I grabbed my backpack and headed out but first I stop to get some merry turron and a few more snacks. It took me while to navigate the taxi stand eventually I found it and got one for 340 bolivars to Posada Churum Meru just 15 minute drive in a residential area. The posada was quite nice a residentially home converted Ito B&B, with common areas, patio, a kitchen aid for travelers to cook own food, single and double rooms with TV, bathroom inside and closet. It also had really fast wifi! I hung out in my room for awhile as I was tired and needed to rest and also charge electronics and download a few apps for iPod and iPhone. At around 5 I decided to go for a walk and find some food, so I ventured myself out the door Ito Puerto Ordaz residential area looking for. A place to eat The check in. Guy recommended a few restaurants close by and so I decided to go for Lebanese food. It wa a delicious I ate. Tabule, pita bread and some meat and cheese tequeños with a Lebanese lemonade all for $4. I walked back to the posada and chill in my room for the rest of he night.

Puerto Ordaz to Canaima
I woke up at 6:45 to get ready to go to the airport at 8 for my flight to Canaima. I took a quick shower, packed up check a few emails and headed out to the Puerto Ordaz airport. I arrived to the airport and checked in paid for the airport tax ( 80Bs) and headed up to the waiting area. puerto air sax airport is small and has to waiting areas A ( commercial bigger flights with two cafes and a few shops and wifi) and the B ( for charter flights to Canaima and beyond and a few commercial flights, no wifi and a very low key breakfast place) I walked to the A area to get post cards and use wifi before heading. To Canaima.
The flight coordinator came to get us ( an Argentinean couple, some French, a Venezuelan guy, a Venezuelan group and me) the flight was delayed because it was foggy. And cloudy and drizzling and we also has to wait for a few foreigners coming from another flight. We left at around 10:30 in a very small plane ( 15 seater. ) the flight was smooth and not much turbulence. He view was incredible and I saw Gran Sabana, the tepuyes, the Orinoco river and a few other rivers. We landed on the shorted airport runway ever ( 2 kilometers long.) The tourist check in point to pay the Canaima national park fee was a small wood cabin at the end of the side of the runway. The airport consisted of a one wooden building with palm roof and no walls. There is a small cafeteria that sells sodas, water and a few pastries. There are two offices of airlines and a some tables and chairs to sit and wait. At he other side of the airport are a few souvenir stands. I waited for like 15 minutes for my tour camp site to arrive Campamento Kavac and pick me up ( although I learned later that there was a short cut about 2km away from the airport to the campsite. I checked in and got my room, are lunch with a a Veneuzelan guy living in Miami, very cool Canadian girl from Toronto and to so very cool German guys. They all had been traveling through South America. After lunch I chilled in my room and got ready for the first excursion.

Laguna Canaima, Salto Sapo y Salto El Hacha

At 2:30 we got ready and walked to the beach by the Laguna Canaima were we boarded a curiara ( small motorboat very long and narrowed made of wood usually used by the Pemon Indians and fishermen.
It started to rain and we all put on our raincoats. Good thing I was wearing my keen water shoes and had a long sleeve wet tshirt. The first ride was about 10 minute ride to an island where there was a beach and the Salto Hacha. We didn't. See this Salto ( falls) first because we wanted to do to longest and farthest one first) we did a short 1 hour hike along there beach and jungle and arrived at e top of a small tepuy then walked down through he jungle and to the Sapo Salto a smaller fall where we walked through it. It was super cool to stand under the falls and let the water that fell down the falls splash you and little tiny drops that evaporated cool your body. We stopped for pictures and I did my yoga fun silly poses on the very slippery rocks and boulders and hen we walked back towards the tepuy. I was always going along with the German guys a straw Canadian girl ( Jonas, Alex and Maria) and we chatted about Venezuela and out travels along the way. We hiked up the jungle and eventually we were on the top of the tepuy and he view was incredible! Everywhere we looked (360 degrees) the view was green, La Gran Sabana, tepuyes everywhere and the immense river waters. We headed back down and into the beach for the last fall. We reached the beach shortly and headed for the Hacha Salto it was a bigger waterfall than the Sapo and you could also walked in to go through it. As I walked the cold water splashed me and even though it was cold the feelings wa a magical totally amazing to feel the hard strength of the water, the water drops evaporating and the cool air. We walked back and go in the curiara and headed back to the Laguna Canaima back to our camp and for a shower and dinner. After dinner de Veneuzelan guy, Maria ( Canadian), Jonas ( one. Of he Germans, Alex the other was sick) and I headed for some fun to the Pemonteca ( a small town discotheque). It was pouring by the time we got to the discoteque however we grabbed a few beers and chatted while listening to the salsa, merengue, reguetton. Cumbria and techno dance music . We even got up and dance a bit. It was a great evening, we headed back to the camp at around midnight for an early rise the next day to Salto Angel.

Sailing Rivers Carrao, Churun, hike through the savannah, trek up to Salto Angel viewpoint & Salto Angel.

Woke up at 6:45 AM got ready, packed a daypack with a pj's and a long serve shirt and Venezuelan jacket, towel, pair of socks, sneakers, insect repellent, wet t-shirt, soap, toothbrush, camera and iPod and iPhone and I was ready for Salto Angel.
I ate breakfast with my new crew of friends Maria, Jonas, Alex and the Venezuelan guy and we headed out the camp at around 8:00 on a truck( bus) towards the start of the curiara expeditions on rio Carrao. The group consisted of us 5, a Venezuelan guy with a Mexican friend, an annoying Spanish old man, an older group of people from Czech Republic, Croatia and Poland with a Polish tour guide and translator and the guide Kaiko and two other helpers. We arrived at the bank of the river in about 15 minutes, he guide and helpers out everything on the "curiara" ( a curiara in the Pemon term for canoe it is simple a very long canoe with a motorboat ( before it used to be a rowboat) it is made of wood and kind of unstable.) we boarded the "cuariara" as we were told heavy men in he back then Maria and me and teen the rest Venezuelan and Mexican guys and then again some more heavier people in the front. We were told not to take hands out or not to place them on the "cuariara's" side because it could affect the balance and we could roll over.

The ride on the "curiara" was windy and bumpy because the river had a few strong currents and rapids and it had more people than what it would normally carry. Maria and I would chat along the way conversing about the beautiful of the scenery. It was drizzling but we could still see the landscapes of the "Gran Sabana"and "reputed ( table top mountains) with a cloudy and misty perspective. However it began to pour really bad and we all had to put on our
R raincoats and cover our cameras. The river was bumpy and very full of water. And with the rain it created strong currents and rapida and sometimes this made Kaiko slow down to go through the rapids safely although sometimes he would go through them really fast and splash water over us which was fun but also very cold. I was completely soaked so was Alex who was sitting right behind me the front people were not so much as we were in the back. The ride continue for like 35 minutes and all we could see was flat green savannahs with immense prehistoric and amazing table top mountains. Some were completely flat on he top while others were bumpy with vacant holes in between flat peaks. Some has waterfalls falling from he top. The day was cloudy so we could see in the distance the table top mountains above a white line of clouds. All I could say was wow and honk of how amazing the view would be from Mt. Roraima. I also compared it to my most recent mountain trekking experience in Mt. Kinabalu and even though that was also amazing this was simple stunning and breathtaking and also the only place in the world where hear types of mountains are located so. It was definitely unique. The rain stopped and we could see for a short time the sun shinning and a glimpse of blue skies behind the white clouds. We stopped at "El Pozo de la Felicidad" ( The Happiness Pool) for a quick break and swim. I put on my wet t-shirt and jumped in. It was bitter and brisk cold. After about 20 minutes we hopped in the "curiara" and navigated some more strong rapids with occasional rain until we reached a jungly beach at noon were we stopped for sandwiched for lunch. We are and converse and laugh at the Spanish guy ( who was trying to be cool and sit on a branch and fell on his bottom).
I will stop here about the blog to explain why he was annoying. He made up that he was Colombian to avoid being kidnap, he also spent a the time complaining he day before about the tour and nips the food and planing was bad, he complained about u safety of Venezuela, and botching about everything. I must say if you are going to travel to a country in turmoil like Venezuela you should know and researched about it and embrace the experience and not complain about it, plus is ride to the locals!) Back to the adventure.
So lunch was ok, but in the middle of not it started to pour and our sandwiches got wet so we are quickly and hopped back in the "curiara" and back to the river we had only about 1.5 hours left. I have to say we had changed rivers and now where in the Churum river. We reached Isla Raton (our camp) and immediately we saw "El Salto Ange" ( Angel Falls! The sky cleared and we saw it all from 979 meters high. I got goosebumps and shivers! WOW it was implemented breathtaking, beautiful, Immense, great, stunning the highest waterfall in the world. It was discovered by accident by the U.S. Pilot and adventurer traveller Jimmy Angel in the 1940's when his plane landed on top of he Auyantepuy. His name was used to name the falls "Salto Angel" in his tribute. The Pemon name is (INSERT NAME HERE!!) it was named UNESCO site in the 1980's and was part of a lottery to be one of the new natural wonders of the World in the 2000's ( honestly I am not sure who decides this places,but it is unfair that it is still not yet one.

I started snapping photos with iPhone and camera and I could not stop. It was just no-words-can't-describe-experience.

We walked over some rocked and get to a part of a trail where we had to cross be river ( the water was up to my knees so my keen waterproof shoes were a great gear to have.) after this, we were in the jungle.jonas and Alex were first to start the hike up and then a few followed. I also started earlier than a few even the guide. It was a kingly path made of dirt, roots, branches and rocks with wild and tall trees and vegetation around it. After like 40 minutes I reached an intersection that had a signed labeled "Para Salto Angel viewpoint" so I followed it. Actually I was kind of hiking on my own as the Germans and Polish guy we're really fast, then me and then the rest. I stopped a few meters away to an intersection that I wasn't sure so I saw Maria and we both waited for instructions from Kaiko. We got back on he steep trail. At this point. The trail was steeper and rocky with blots of rocks to climbed. Maria was a bit faster then me so she went ahead and about 15 minutes later I showed up. followed by he Venezuelan,
Mexican guys, the old women and be Venezuelan guy and Kaiko.
We spent like 1.5 hours sightseeing, shooting photos ( some scary and risky ones Maria and the Germans and me a little risky). I admired the falls and tried to soaked it all in my traveling experiences part of my brain. I started to head down at around 5:15 to avoid the dark. The polish guy and Jonas passed me and the the Venezuelan and Mexican guys. I kept going and then I waited until I saw Alex and Maria who were right behind me. It was getting dark and I didn't want to do it alone. We batted along the way and laugh and finally at around 6:30 we made it back to the river. We got together on the "curiara" and hopped in for a 2 minutes ride to our camp. It was dark already and not electricity yet, so we hung on our hammocks and I took a mini nap. About half an hour later I woke up by the lightbulb above my head, changed into dry clothes and a call to eat dinner from Kaiko. We ate chicken, rice and arepas and salad and chatted until it was time
To turbo do electricity and town for bed ( at 9:00.) The Germans and the Venezuelan guy and I chatted a little from our hammocks until we heard a loud Shhhhhhhh!!!!

Isla Raton to Canaima Kavac camp.

We woke up at 5:20 AM got ready to leave very early and had a quick arepas and egg breakfast. At 6:00 we were ready to go on he "curiara." It was a rainy day so we had our raincoats on and our small bags all covered. Maria and I hoped that because the ride was now with the current it would be less bumpy and windy. The first part of the ride was the same going back the same river and seeing the table top mountains in between the mist and fog. We chatted and both agreed we were nodding our heads and fighting sleep and joked that whoever one of us slept first the other would grab her for her not too fall. There were some really strong rapids, which after we stopped to hike through the savannah, we realized that these we had not gone through them on the "curiara" our hike on he day before had been longer. We only hiked about 15 minutes got a few Pemon bead necklaces and hopped on the "curiara" back for a five minute ride to be river bank to get on a truck back to Kavac camp.

At camp, I got my room back and changed into dry or least dry clothes to go to the airport and try to get a tour to Kavax cabes. I waited with the other travellers as they waited for heir flight back to Ciudad Bolivar or Puerto Ordaz. No luck for me to see Kavac caves so I said my goodbyes and gave a little Pemon bead brazets and walked the 650 meters back to the Kavac Camp. Only way to camp I bought a razor ( must need) and a few snacks. I walked around the Canaima village and took photos of their day. Saw an elementary school that was having their end of year act and party and recorded some girls singing and dancing "El Alma Llanera." I headed back to my room were I chilled, read, wrote post cards and fell asleep until like 4 o'clock.
I woke up and walked around to the Venetur camp ( from the government and clearly the fanciest and most expensive one of the 12 camps that are in Canaima) and took some photos of the beach and the "El Hacha" falls and the sunset ( not much sunset as it was cloudy.) I walked past the Pemonteca ( town's nightclub) and headed back to the camp for dinner.

Last day and attempt to go to Kavac caves

I woke up Saturday morning at 7:00 headed for breakfast which can consisted of fried eggs, pancakes, and ham and cheese with coffee and nestea. I ate and went to my room
To packed my day pack to try to go to Kavac caves. Walked to airport with he manager of Kavac Campamento a very nice man from Caracas that had moved to Canaima five years ago. We tried to get a flint to Kavac, but everything was booked so instead I changed my flight to Puerto Ordaz for today ( there was nothing else to see in Canaima.) it was a long wait as I was placed on a waiting list for the last flight at noon to Puerto Ordaz. In The end I folk a prívate flight with two guys in a dije seater plane al The way yo Puerto Ordaz. It was a scary ride quite bumpy with turbulence and rain. The viene was magnificente i hoy to ser Canaima Frontado avive, la Gran Sabana, The tepuyes ( hable top mountains), the falls and he Canaima Laguna, the rivers Caroni, Orinoco, and all other smaller rovers. and all the Amazon rainforest and mines of aluminum, bauxite, etc. When I. Left Canaima it was a gloomy gray cloudy rainy day, however as soon as the small plane took off and go some altitude the sky was clear except for a few big fluffy white clouds. The view was simply amazing! I could see all the national park Canaima area with the Laguna Canaima, Hacha falls and the "tepuyes" that where around it with the beautiful green savannah. The flight was a bit windy and with turbulence whenever it hit a cloudy it would move up down and around I honestly I'm my afraid of flights but for some reason this small plane and the pilot did not give me security (and I have been in tons of planes!) The flight continued, and the plane zoomed through and on top of the Amazon rainforest, all I could see was a huge mass of green with a few windy and narrowed brown lines (rivers or dirt roads), then we zoomed on top of the Caroni or Orinoco rivers ( not sure which was) it was huge wide brown with tons of little islands in the middle. Then it started to rain and this was really scary so I put the iPod and iPhone down and just waited for the rain and cloud and turbulence to pass. Right after the rain we were zooming on top of a river or lagoon and a rainbow appeared it was bright and clear and you could identify Al colours of the rainbow! The turbulence began again and stop and right after another rainbow only this time it was a double one, and double the beauty! I took photos and videos and enjoy the ride. We reached Puerto Ordaz at around 2 o clock and it was sunny hot with a blue sky. I grabbed my backpack and went to get a cab to Posada Churum Merum. I checked in, charged electronics, did a bit of budget and caught up with Facebook and what's app and headed by it the door to the Orinokia mall for some shopping. I got a cab for 350Bs to the mall. It was busy as it was Saturday. It had a large variety of US brand shops and some Venezuelan ones too. I like one called Topitops and ended going back again the next day. For a day it was nice little shopping adventure. It had a huge food fair but it was packed and I did not eat. I grabbed another taxi to farmatodo ( to grab some snacks and water) and then to the posada. I chilled in the room for the night.

Sunday I woke up early and at 9;30 hopped in a cab to the Ckub Nautico for a tour through rivers in a Catamaran ( boat.) the tour was not my style and I wished I had just gone with my gut and simply had gone to Parque La Llovizna y Cachamay on my own, but oh well another experience in my pocket. The tour started at 10:40 and it was a just being on a boat listening to a guide explain certain areas where we stopped. It was 1500bs ( $2 blackmarket) and included all drinks alcohol too and snacks and Music From Guayana. I saw the joint of the rivers Caroni and Orinoco very cool one was brown the other bluish greenish and they didn't mix! We continued to cruise through the rivers stopping occasionally to admire he beauty. At around noon we got back to the club Nautico and there I took a can to my guesthouse,I went shopping at the largest mall in Venezuela and headed in for the night my flight the next morning was early.

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