Condor and Aguila Glaciers

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South America » Chile
January 16th 2024
Published: January 18th 2024
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Last night we hit rough seas as we passed thru the Strait of Magellan. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who let a Spanish expedition looking for a trade route around South America. In 1519 they found a bay which led them to a strait now called the Strait of Magellan which allowed them passage to the Pacific.

A hike is on the agenda for this morning. We ride our zodiac boats around the lagoon and go for a hike. It is a beautiful day and we leave our life jackets on the beach.

In the afternoon we take the zodiacs to Condor Glacier. We see a couple of Andean Condors which is appropriate given we are at Condor Glacier. We spot birds nesting on the cliffs. Tonight is the Captain’s Farewell Dinner so our cruise is al

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