Buenos Aires then home

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
January 22nd 2024
Published: January 25th 2024
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Breakfast in our hotel before heading to the airport. Our flight to Buenos Aires took three hours. We check back into the Recoleta Grand Hotel, we left a suitcase here with our summer clothes at the hotel. Tonight we have our farewell dinner at a steakhouse in Puerto Madero. Puerto Madero is a waterfront renovated area. It is now the most upscale area to live in Buenos Aires. The bus dropped us off and we walked along the waterfront and over a bridge to the restauran. We enjoyed a steak dinner with salad, fries, desert and wine. It was a nice farewell to the group. Breakfast is in our hotel then we get on the bus and head to the cemetery in Recoleta. We visted the cemetery with Christopher and Laura but we went along anyway. Our group headed to Tigre for a one hour boat tour. Since it is a one hour drive each way to Tigre for a one hour boat ride we decide to skip Tigre and head to Palermo Soho. We want to spend some time in what we consider our neighborhood before heading home. We have pizza for lunch and a beer in a pub. We had our last ice cream at Tufic the best ice cream in town. It is a beautiful warm day and lots of people are out and about. We return to our hotel, pack up and meet our ride to the airport. Our flight takes us to New York then a nonstop flight to San Francisco.

We visited Argentina at a time of great change. They voted in a new president and he took office in December. People who voted for him think he is crazy but they hope his crazy improves the economy, He immediately devalued their dollar by 50%. That was not a bad thing for us but it is hard for the locals. There were multiple protests while we were there and a large protest is planned for late January. We wish the people of Argentina well.

We have been gone for six weeks and we are happy to be home. Our next trip is a month away so you will be hearing from me again soon.

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