Pago Pago, American Samoa

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Oceania » Samoa » American Samoa
April 16th 2023
Published: April 24th 2023
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This is our second visit to this island. This time we stopped at a town called Fagoto. Soon after disembarking there is a lovely museum (closed since it was Sunday) but they had this lovely mural and story of creation in front that I wanted to share. There are some interesting buildings that added a bit of character to our walkabout.

Further down we stopped at the only bar in town (which was also closed) but I got this great poster of Sadie Thomson! A beautiful and lush island – very green as the average rainfall is around 200 inches per year! Take a taxi for a trip around the island to see the views and hope that you never have only a Sunday to visit Pago Pago!

I added a photo of Darold outside our stateroom on board the Noordam as we loved these chairs!!!

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