Cornwall Park & Maungakiekie

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September 19th 2014
Published: September 25th 2014
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September 19 - On our first morning in Auckland, we ate breakfast in Pat’s kitchen which is the best room in the house as it overlooks the lush green valley. The sun came and went this morning as it popped in and out between rain showers.

After breakfast, Pat drove us to Cornwall Park which provides a retreat in the middle of the city. The park is also a working farm with cattle and sheep with their new-born lambs doting the hillsides. I felt like I was in a bucolic painting from the 1900’s.

We drove to the summit in the park called One Tree Hill (or its Maori name, Maungakiekie) which is a 597 foot volcanic peak and allows one to see in all directions. We were able to see both the east and west coast of the island! (It takes a very long flight to see both the east and west coast of Canada, and one would never be able to do it at the same time.) We didn’t stay long, however, as the winds were very strong and it was quite cold.

We descended and went for a walk in through some very large trees. I sat amongst some of the trees roots and felt just like a “little person” (I know I’m not very tall, but I felt truly dwarfed here!) As we walked down the path, we were pursued by an elderly Chinese man who spied David’s camera and excitedly told us about a possum that was living in one of the trees. High up in a hole was a little possum staring down at us – David, of course, took the photo.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Peaceful pasture in the hillsPeaceful pasture in the hills
Peaceful pasture in the hills

View from the top of One Tree Hill

25th September 2014

Almost my back yard!
Great photos - I go past here every day on the way to work :-) How long are you in Auckland for?
25th September 2014

Just passing through
Hi Jo - You're so lucky to live in such a great place. We've already left Auckland (you know it takes time to get all the writing, picture taking and uploading done!) Right now we're in Rotorua, and then we're on to the South Island for more adventure. We will be returning Auckland for one day to visit my aunt again before we fly home to Canada.
25th September 2014
"Painting" in the Park


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