Cook Islands - Aitutaki

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April 19th 2010
Published: April 24th 2010
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1: Aitutaki Touchdown 41 secs
From Rarotonga, I took a 4-day break to Aitutaki, a group of small islands in a fantastic paradise lagoon. It's a 50 minute flight in a tiny 15-seater airplane with amazing views of the islands and the lagoon. Unfortunately for Aitutaki, it was hit by a cyclone about 2 months ago, destroying a lot of nature and houses on the island. Luckily, most of all the businesses were back up and running again, and the islands were still beautiful to visit. The lagoon was not damaged.

I stayed with Gina, a local "queen" who has a four lodge garden. Officially, she really is a queen, although the meaning is somewhat different I think. She didn't really have a court or anything, but she was a queen after all!
I was the only one staying at her lodges (a lot of tourists are still not coming back to Aitutaki because of the past cyclone). I had a nice relaxing 4 days on the island, cruising around with a motorbike enjoying the local food and watching sunsets.

I also went diving with a local operator Neil, who has been there for 30 years already. David Bowie and Buzz Aldrin (the 2nd man on the moon) have dived with him, so he had some good stories! The dives were also nice, but I couldn't rent a camera like I did on Rarotonga.

I also went on a one-day tour around the lagoon with a group of people. We went snorkeling and we were dropped of at a couple of islands and a beach in the middle of nowhere. It's absolutely an amazing lagoon and the islands are some of the most idyllic I've ever seen!

After Aitutaki, I flew back to Rarotonga for a few more days before it was time to complete my Pacific Ocean crossing, to Los Angeles, California. And time to celebrate my birthday there!

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Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


26th April 2010

Ongelooflijk, die paradijsfoto's van Cook Islands. Dat zoiets bestaat! En dat jij dat gezien hebt. Ik geloofde die vakantieboekjesfoto's nooit, zo blauw en wit en turkoise en zo. Leuk krabje ook.
14th February 2011

Blog of the year, 2010
Congratulations! :) This blog was nominated one of the best of 2010, in the Oceania/photography category.
14th February 2011

Thank you
Thank you Mell :-)

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