The Rock ... Uluru not the actor

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June 16th 2019
Published: June 22nd 2019
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Our room Desert Garden Hotel
We were so lucky on both our flights. We flew near Lake Ayre on our flight from Adelaide to Alice Springs and could see the path the water was taking to fill the usually dry lake. On our flight from Alice Springs to Yulara we got our first glimpse of Uluru. I felt so sorry for the flight attendants when everyone on the righthand side of the plane started taking off their seat belts, standing up as they tried to get a picture of Uluru. It was manic. All they could do was announce that they needed to be seated with there seatbelts on as we were about to land.

Mum and I stayed at the Desert Garden Hotel. There’s a number places to stay in the Yulara resort as well camping and caravan park. I decided on the Desert Gardens as they’re the only hotel that may have a view of Uluru.
Our room was huge and we were fortunate to have a view of the Rock although it was obstructed..... I wonder how they’d feel if I removed a few of the scrubs to see the rock better?

We weren’t in our room long till we were picked up for a Night at the Field of Light, which is a combination of the Sounds of Silence Dinner and a evening viewing of the Fields of Light Display.
After a dune climb we were greeted with a glass of bubbles and the fantastic view of Uluru to watch the sunset. It was hard looking at the breathtaking view whilst having your bubbles refilled and tasting a few canapés.
At dinner we were seated with a retired schoolteacher from Davenport Tasmania, a couple from Boston celebrating their 5 year wedding Anniversary, 2 overseas students studying at Armidale NSW University and 2 senior Japanese tourists and their interpreter. It was a great mix and we had a fabulous night. There was heaps of food and the selection of drinks was fantastic. I was glad to see everyone tried a bit of everything. I don’t think any of my glasses were ever empty but I had to be careful as we still had the field of lights to see.
While we were dining we were treated to a didgeridoo performance and a talk from a star talker, who wasn’t happy as the full moon was too bright to see all the

Cheers - A Night at the Field of Light
After dinner we were let loose in the field of light display. We had an hour to wonder through the 7 football field long art instillation. I lost mum early on as I was trying to get as many photos as I could. Thankfully I didn’t have to send a search party looking for her, she’d made her way through with Wendy ( the retired school teacher) and was waiting for me at the pick up spot.

After collecting a hire car the next morning we headed into the National Park on Anangu land to get a close look at Uluru. As we were driving in I’d stop wherever I was allowed to take photos. The rock appeared to be changing colour and shape before our eyes. Driving clockwise around to get an idea of where we could stop and walk in. We turned around after checking out the cultural centre then went anticlockwise stopping to do the Mala and Kuniya walks.

I can’t believe I’ve got this far into my blog before I’ve told you about ALL the flies!! There’s so many of them. You get mobbed by about 50 every time you are outside. They’re resilient to any insect repellent we’ve brought so far. The only good thing is they don’t like cold weather so we only get bothered between 10am and 5pm.

Mum and I decided to watch the sunset between Uluru and Kata Tjuta on a dune viewing platform. We went to the IGA to get some supplies - cheese and crackers. I also brought the most expensive 6 pack of beer ($41.50 James Squire - Swindler)
Being rewarded with the full moon rising next to Uluru added to the wonderful sunset.

We decided to head to the same dune viewing platform to watch the sunrise the next morning. Unfortunately it wasn’t as exclusive as the night before and it was only 3 degrees. Sunrise was spectacular and well worth hyperthermia.

After thawing out a bit we headed toward Kata Tjuta to do the Valley of the Winds walk. It lived up to its name and was blowing a gale. Again I’m in awe of the size of Kata Tjuta and the vegetation in the valley.

Our last stop for the day was the Camel Farm and was recommend to us by the guy we hired the car off. We missed the reptile talk but we were able to wonder around the farm to see all the animals they had ... as it was afternoon a lot of them were laying around. It was a great chance to get some photos of the animals we’ve seen on our adventure but won’t stop and pose for photos for me

As our time in Yulara is coming to an end, I wanted to tell you how well run this resort is. The staff are wonderful and the bus schedules run like clockwork. They’ve got it all down to a fine art. There’s heaps of free activities and walks to do or you can organise one of the many tours and experiences. The field of Light display is at Uluru till 2020 if you get the chance you should check it out

Next stop .... Kings Canyon

Additional photos below
Photos: 26, Displayed: 25



Mum resting in the shade

Aboriginal rock art Uluru

Moon still in the sky at sunrise

Lookout for Valley of the Winds

23rd June 2019

Another Great Blog!!
Hey Rae and Jo, yet another great blog from you Rae - looks like you are having a fabulous time - the scenery is wonderful, and the Field of Lights does look spectacular!

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