Lightning Strikes & Fireworks on NYE can cause Governments to Fall...Happy New Year

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January 4th 2019
Published: January 5th 2019
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Billed as front row seats to the world's best New Years Eve fireworks under the sails of the Sydney Opera House with unobstructed views of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Also as the biggest fireworks display ever.

Next day the Sydney Morning Herald reported, "More than a million people braved lightning storms and transport chaos to pack vantage points around the harbour as Sydney ushered in 2019...and a further two billion watching from around the World."

But sometimes shit happens and the best laid plans can cause discontent and this may lead to the NSW government to fall.

This was our year to be there...front row...nearly didn't get there...dancing in pouring rain...nearly didn't get back.

"Don't say I don't give you a good time", I kept saying...when there's no refunds ya just gotta ride your luck.


I've seen the Sydney NYE fireworks while in a Buenos Aires hospital with a necrotic Dubai as Israel bombed Gaza...other snippets on TV as we are often travelling at this time.

We live in Sydney but why jostle for hours in the heat with a million others when an armchair will do?

there was one time we had front row that we can't forget.

Had a client who was personal assistant to the wife of the NSW Governor...only our car allowed on the road to get in there...escorted by Police onto lawns of Government House overlooking and behind the Opera House...lying on the grass sipping champagne with about 20 others...police ringing the metal spear fence to stop the riff-raff climbing in...the other side of the fence like a massive tin of sardines..never seen so many people squashed into one place...fireworks exploding above our heads...didn't feel right to stand...just lay there sipping champers...wondering what the poor people were doing...stepping over comatosed bodies after midnight as we walked out of there.

Fast forward to 2018...son Simon coming from Canada, daughter Anna-Louise back and her boyfriend Floris coming from The together for the first time in years...think that means we're staying home for Christmas.

So we booked Portside at the Opera House for New Years Eve...3 of Sydneys hottest DJs to have us dancing all night...pricey for five...justifing the cost as our whole family is rarely together.

Booked beach units at Newcastle Beach as well as we are spending some time with Denise's family at Christmas...the waves refreshing and clean...photographing surfers...even the gorgeous Arizona who did some modelling for me!

New Years Eve...Getting there is sometimes the hard part

Getting adult kids organised is like herding cats...why leave at 5pm if gates don't open til 7pm? The heat so oppressive...glad Anna-Louise helped me buy shorts and white shoes to be French Riviera...dressed to kill...lets go.

Expecting up to a million and a half to descend on Sydney Harbour...only public transpot allowed...onto the train at 5:30 pm from Hornsby for the 40 minute trip we did go.

But the train stopped at Waverton...3 stops before the Harbour Bridge...passengers streaming out...announcements the train is not continuing until further notice...couldn't hear the reason so I got out to ask why.

"Lightning has hit signals in the city...just wait til its idea how long it will take"...yeeka!

Due at Portside in less than an hour...decided we'd walk to and across the Harbour Bridge to the City...the price not refundable for our NYE tickets...better to walk an hour or two than not getting there at all.

Fortunately Floris is Dutch and called an Uber which
I thought due to the crowds was unattainable...called a large one and quickly it arrived...close to no traffic so dropped us off in the city...phones saying the trains on the northern lines still not thinking how fortunate we were not on a later train stuck who knows about a 30 mins walk we'll be at Portside partying.

Lightning flashing...thunder crashing...the heaven's opening...heavy rain pouring over our party dress.

Me saying lets shelter til the storm passes...the others saying lets press on as we are already drenched.

Luckily I brought a plastic bag to protect my camera...lucky Denise scored 3 small umbrellas on the way...why not 5???

At $25 each even Denise has her limits!

We pressed on through pouring rain...police directing hordes up this road and down that...tight security relaxed to get folk through...women in shimmering evening dresses and men in tuxedos like in A Clockwork Orange...singing in the rain.

Passed the tent city camped on the Opera House forecourt...seas of umbrellas and ponchos...their spots also user pay.

To the Portside scanned...down a corridor under the Opera House...laughing we have made it...hostesses with champagne and canapes...bars and plenty of folk
as wet as us...others in ponchos outside...dancing to the first DJ...or drinking G.H Mumm champers while standing in the rain.


Two NYE firework displays...the first at 9pm for those with young kids...the second at midnight to usher in 2019...the one the World will be watching...hoping the rain will clear...hoping I can score some decent tripod or unipod with me for fear it be confiscated as a potential weapon...if was not raining umbrellas would probably be this world of terrorism one cannot be too careful.

Our adults only event...our adult kids dancing with us in light rain...strangers giving us high fives as we boogied away.

Got front row at the railing for the 9pm... wide corridor along the water's edge sealed off for security and I guess to ensure noone fell into the harbour...the clouds lifting but no stars...the odd drop of rain or mizzle to remind one that Nature always has it's suggesting folk still in plastic remove their ponchos so they no longer look like laundry bags...the DJs bopping...fireworks exploding in front, above and around...great entre before the final show.

We had unobstructed views across the water to
the Harbour Bridge in front of us but Sydney NYE is a harbour thing with millions watching along the foreshore and by TV...barges along the harbour and behind the Opera House overcrowding where we were...the ultimate NYE party...but the World watching on TV may have got the best view.

The rain held off for the midnight fireworks as front row railing this time as others held these positions for up to two grazing stations and bars under the Opera House with seating areas...the DJs ensuring more and more joining in to dance the night away.

Ten, nine, eight...countdown to midnight...the bridge exploding in colour...millions of dollars in fireworks and lightshows...illuminating the night.

Cheering...hugs all round...Happy New Year...what a fabulous night.

Left at 12:45am in jubilation...should be home in one hour...not aware chaos was awaiting us.

Transport chaos that for multitudes would scar their night.

Transport Chaos...Can't Get Home...You've gotta be kidding

Police directing us to Wynyard Station up the long hill along Macquarie Street past Circular Quay station...past barricaded side streets...down three streets in procession to catch trains home.

Arrived outside Wynyard to megaphones blasting, "Wynyard Station
Happy New YearHappy New YearHappy New Year

Simon, Floris, Anna-Louise & Denise
is shut. You are directed to walk to Central Station to catch your train home."

What? The biggest night of the year...only public transport allowed..have to walk over 3 kms from the Opera House to Central.

Multitudes muttering the government will fall...some on crutches...police on massive horses or on foot out in force...any complainers grabbed and restrained...crowd moving like sheep for shearing...past Town Hall Station...follow that road.

One foot ahead of the other...heads down marching to the hope...not knowing what ahead or when will we get home.

Simon advising Ubers offering to get us home for $ have got to be kidding.

Crowds at Central Station causing a crush...Police only allowing access to 50 a time...some jumping barricades...we trying a back way I knew which was surprisingly close to empty...onto a North Shore train waiting on Platform 16 that was indicating it was 54 minutes late.

Got back to Hornsby station at 3:30am...into bed at 4am.

What a night.

Remember kids..."Don't say I don't give you a good time"

Certainly a night to remember.

Si, Anna-Lou & Floris are at a music festival as I write this...arriving a few hours later than planned...Denise and I watching the Sydney NYE Fireworks Encore on TV.

What a show the World had been way any city or country can match that.

Best show in the World...front seats at the NYE party to beat all parties.

Turned out Wynyard and Town Hall stations were open taking crowds from Darling Harbour, the Rocks and Barangaroo...we diverted to Central for crowd control...some train delays up to 204 minutes...papers full of tales of the inconsolable.

State Rail & the NSW Premier blaming "freak lightning strikes"...thanking all for their patience.

But over a million pissed off people is a lot of voters.

Will the transport chaos that resulted lead to the fall of the NSW Government?

With the political climate in Oz as it is...last five Prime Ministers not lasting their terms...

I would not put any money on the New South Wales Government surviving this stir.

Relax & Enjoy,

Dancing Dave

Check out the panorama slideshow at top of page while listening to the video

Additional photos below
Photos: 84, Displayed: 28


The kidsThe kids
The kids

Anna-Lou, Simon & Floris

5th January 2019

NYE as only the Aussies can do it!
Looks like a blast! Travails will accompany any large event when the transport and wicked weather intervene. A night to remember! ......Dangerous Dave
6th January 2019

NYE as only the Aussies can do it!
Truly a night to remember Dangerous One. I've been putting off attending the NYE fireworks for many years not wanting to face the massive crowds but t'was something that a Sydneysider simply must get out and do at least once. Bit like visiting Uluru...something every Aussie has to one day do. Hugs from Denise & I to Mj & you at this time.
6th January 2019

Agreed! The Sydney fireworks are the best in the world!!!
I saw them from the comfort of my home, 8,308.67 miles away. But your evening was the most fun despite the public transport snafu.
6th January 2019

Agreed! The Sydney fireworks are the best in the world!!!
Amazing what you can see 8,308.67 miles away Bob...front row at the Sydney NYE Fireworks from your snowbound home! Reminds me we saw the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack live on TV at your place 4 years ago while it was taking place in Paris. Doesn't time fly? It's now a small World. Best wishes from Denise and I to Linda, William and you (being the members of your family we know in person).
6th January 2019

Glad you had all your family for Xmas!! Like herding cats, but still fun lol. Even your march to the gulag after a rain soaked fireworks show. Misery. But still Dancing. Happy New Year to you and Denise!
7th January 2019

Like herding cats
Happy New Year from the land of Oz, Andrea. Having Simon here for this NYE from Canada reminds us that family and friends are within reach no matter where they are. Maybe ironic I strained my lower back from my trip to the gulag. Led to me having a Thai remedial massage with Dang that was one of the best I've ever had. More time with Dang is my New Year Resolution so good things can sometimes emerge when there appears no hope!
6th January 2019

Happy New Year
Won't do the fireworks again! Went there some years ago and, though the fireworks were great, the rest was a nightmare. Rather stay home and watch TV - though I usually go to sleep before midnight, truth be told :(. Hope to see you again some time this year.
7th January 2019

Won't do the fireworks again!
A must to do at least once John but tis quite a commitment I agree. The logistics of transport cannot be ignored. That part of the rail network was out made it quite an ordeal. I really worry that it will add to the political unrest that seems to be the flavour in Oz so I genuinely wonder if it will be the final straw that will lead to the NSW Government to fall. Transport is a State issue that has been plaguing the airwaves so we will see. Looking forward to seeing Sylvia & you soon, so let's make it happen.
7th January 2019

Fireworks in more ways than one!
Life is always eventful with the hoopdawg!
7th January 2019

Fireworks in more ways than one!
Never a dull day with you my love. Can't remember how long ago we were at Government House so had to ensure this was a good one!
7th January 2019

Happy New Year!
I'm very very impressed with your willingness to brave those crowds! The Melbourne fireworks are nowhere near as packed as the Sydney ones, and I used to only brave those if we had an apartment in the city for the night...and that was even before I was old and grumpy :)
7th January 2019

Happy New Year!
And to you Ren & Andrew. Our horizons are ever opening so here's to making 2019 a great one.
9th January 2019
The kids

Happy New Year Dave! Happened to log on and there you were. LOVED the pics and you have a beautiful family and you can see the family resemblance. You have much more fortitude than I do...braving those crowds? In pouring rain & lightning? Our kids are all still at home but wow, I'll have to dig deep to do what you & Denise did when they all move out & come back to visit! But what great memories you'll all have. Our Canadian NYE was spent quietly at home with a nice dinner with our kids. My hubby & I tend to have our once a year fight over something stupid at NYE. Probably the stress of Christmas, entertaining, and all that goes with it. (Happy to report a very laid back welcome into 2019 & no argument!). From our home to yours, Happy 2019, may it bring much joy & happiness that can only be counted in hugs and kisses! (And lots of blogs!) Sal
9th January 2019
The kids

Thank you for sharing your Canadian NYE Sal and checking out mine. Its also nice in this world of sprawling masses that one can share those quiet moments with friends in the ether and smile as I am smiling now. Keep in touch.
9th January 2019

Happy New Year
I only once went to a firework display, in Amsterdam in 2000, thought it was appropriate. Three of us went, nothing booked, started to rain, fireworks were impressive, after not so... walked around Amsterdam looking for somewhere to party, all booked out, after 3 hours called it a night and went back home. Never again! It's not necessary in my country anyway, from our house we have prime views of the private fireworks being shot off by all and sundry around us, maybe not as good as Sydney, but close enough. Happy you enjoyed Sydney though, I can imagine as a Sydneysider it must be done once, and you did it with style. Enjoy 2019!
9th January 2019

A firework display in Amsterdam
How times have changed Ralf. When I was a kid we had bonfires and celebrated Guy Fawkes Day in memory of the guy who set up explosives under the House of Lords in London in 1605 but instead of 5 November we had it on Queen Victoria's birthday before folk realised she had been dead for decades. Then came the safety police who moaned too many cats and humans were having their faces blown off so they banned our cracker nights and now it is user pays for the privilege to see them. In Buenos Aires they sold crackers as big as gallon tins by the roadside and Floris tells me they are also available in Amsterdam. Bring back the tuppenny and penny bungers I say Ralf so only the stupid get in the good old days!
12th January 2019

Looks awesome
Sounds like an eventful evening and that you were awarded with a fabulous fireworks. New Year 1999 I celebrated with 250,000 others in central Gothenburg. Luckily we could then walk down to the city centre so we didn't have to rely on public transport like you had. Hope you have some interesting travel plans coming up for 2019. /Ake
12th January 2019

Looks awesome
New Year is usually a quiet time Ake. A Gothenburg NYE I can imagine must have been a blast...250,000 parading in the snow. I can only imagine the cold...but the Swedish do not feel the cold I hear! One year we spent NYE with Aspiring Nomad overlooking the Bund in Shanghai but it is usually a quiet time for us. I'm going to reflect on NYEs past as many of them in recent years have been during our travels. Time to reflect...time to plan where one wants to be next. Happy New Year to Emma & you.

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