Will the real bvchef please stand up?

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June 24th 2018
Published: June 24th 2018
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How often have you seen someone you thought you knew and turns out you didn't?

On a plane and a guy walks down the aisle...eyes locking..."Hello I know you"...smiles "I know you too" then to his seat...voice very familiar...wrestling where do I know him from?

Says he works selling work clothes in Melbourne...he sure he didn't know me after all...me wrestling for months I know this guy...face and voice very familiar.

Recently ping..brain engaged...he's John from Married at First Sight...I knew I recognised him!

At Sydney Airport to meet Travelblog's bvchef...a guy looking at the information board...never met him before but looks like the TB photos I have seen...ask him if he needs help...if his name is Brendan.

Take him home...no reason to doubt he is who he says he is...UNTIL...YEEKA...who is this guy really?


Twas November 2017 and our friends Dave & Merry Jo Binkley in USA contact us that their friend Brendan Vermillion (bvchef) is planning to come to Sydney in March 2018 so of course we said we'd show him around.

Before we knew it we offered he stay at our place which was accepted before you could say jack rabbit.

Looks like another Travelblog get-together is in the offing so we asked Jo Trouble in NZ if she would also like to join us.

Response nearly as fast...copies of her plane tickets emailed within minutes.

We already know Jo...we know her as Always Trouble.

But we don't know Brendan...or whether he'll be More Trouble...or simply an Executive Chef Handful.

We met Jo in Kuala Lumpur for Travelblog's 10th Birthday Party in 2012...hiked to have lunch with us at our digs...thought it was a short walk across a park...not realising the green space on her map was a mount through impenetrable jungle...arrived two hours late sweating...determined but smiling...been friends ever since.

Jo is an Administrator for Travelblog...one of a few with the technical skills to keep our TB community humming...her time provided gratis to benefit us all...selfless generosity that cannot be ignored...thanks Jo...from all of us.

Of course she made Sydney for March 2018...but will she be Even More Trouble?

Karma is a curious thing.


Setting the scene

No Adelaide for the World Music Festival Womadelaide this year.

Matter of priorities...TB guests or the music...can't be in two places at once.

So we book gigs in Sydney for Tinarawen from Mali and Youssou Ndour from Senegal...as well as Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters at the Opera House.

Brendan likes classical music...won't he get a surprise from the gig we have booked for Jo and him!!!

Tidy our spa house so Brendan has a bedroom with bush views.

A bed into our downstairs TV room for Jo...no way she can get up and down stairs to her bedroom from last time.

A Sydney TB Get-together requires planning...previous ones have set a high bar...gotta raise our game for this one!


Day One - The Arrival

Brendan's plane from Uluru coming 30 mins early...no way we'll get to Sydney Airport in time.

But the roads opened to let Denise & I through in record time...Who is this guy really?

"Can I help you?" to the tallest guy at Domestic...then collect Jo at International...surprises in store for this motley crew?

ASEAN leaders in town so security around the Opera House tight...Lady Macquarie's Chair still open for
Sydney welcomes youSydney welcomes youSydney welcomes you

Brendan, Jo & Denise
Sydney's best photo op sight.

But the Chef is hungry so back to Hornsby for our favourite KFC...Korean Fried Chicken.

The food here is exceptional...as long as our friend the chef is on...and he is...introduce him to our guests...Sizzling pork on a hot iron plate...Korean Fried Chicken with his secret magic dressings...Mid Spicy Chilli Prawns...followed by an overture from our Korean chef on sax...looking into my eyes as if his heart is bursting.

When this Korean BBQ restaurant opened a couple of years ago Den & I tried it out and discovered Korean Fried Chicken...sent a message to the kitchen that it was sensational...a few kind words that meant more to the chef than anyone could imagine.

Newly arrived in Oz...very little English...missing his family terribly...lonely and feeling lost in this country of ours...a kind word from a patron lifting his heart with encouragement.

Every time we go I make a point of saying hello to the chef...telling me each time of his progress with his English...now two daughters...how much he misses me...how much he thinks about me...how much those kind words changed his life.

To say something nice costs nothing...blows me away that a few kind words set this man free.

Brendan & Jo so enthused by the meal...then dessert of Wild Brumby Peach Schnapps with Denise's brownies and African Blues...Brendan so enthused we gave him an upgrade...upstairs bedroom instead of the Vermillion Spa Room.

Not yet questioning who is this guy really.


Day Two - Travelblog's Biggest Virtual Lunch

Jo's sister and family drop in to say Hi at 10am...their daughters roaring around our wooden floors on rollerblades asking for glue...her husband and Brendan photographing a black snake sunning itself in a tree in our backyard...frantically preparing for some visitors that are due at noon.

When we first met Brendan he let drop that a Travelblogger Jan from SkiSet had commented on one of his Central Australia blogs that she was "looking forward to meeting you on Sunday"...saying as we left the airport he guessed a TB meetup was in the offing.

"Jo's family are coming on Sunday morning...her Aunty Jan is a Travelblogger," I say...warning Jo to continue the ruse.

Over breakfast I let him know we do have a TB meet up at lunchtime but as outside is predicted to be 40C our planned eat on the deck is now inside.

He soon got the idea it was going to be big...but I wasn't letting on to Jo or him...how big it was actually going to be.

Jo's family hugs out at 11:45...Denise cooking up a storm...excitement building...Jack Johnson my greeting music of choice...cars pulling up...faces familiar and new...desserts brought by the ladies...smiles aplenty as we settled down to get to know everyone.

There is something special at a TB Get-together...all with something in common...members of the World's Friendliest Travel Community...enthused to be in the company of folk whose eyes do not glaze over as they share their travel stories...happy to simply be there.

Our illustrious guests were John and Sylvia John and Sylvia, David deejayvee, Neil Nomad Old Farts, Jan & Ted SkiSet, Michelle michelleandkev, Brendan bvchef (USA), Jo Jo Trouble (NZ), Denise Laila the Tuareg and me Dancing Dave.

Rachael RJT and Drew thedribbleman sending their apologies they were unable to come.

But this dancer was restless...watching everyone getting on famously...racing to and from his computer...watching the time.

Everyone had just filled their plates with the lusciousness that Denise had prepared and topping up their glasses when the
Ali for Virtual Lunch, Dave & MJ Ali for Virtual Lunch, Dave & MJ Ali for Virtual Lunch, Dave & MJ

Joining us from USA for Virtual Lunch
gaggle of cheerfulness was interrupted by an ipad's "Ring Ring".

Travelblog's founder, Ali was ringing in...TBs Number 1 blogger Ali from USA joining us for a virtual lunch.

I had planned this with Ali and my frantic emails were for him to ring when everyone was seated...a real gotcha moment.

Ali's smiles and delight as he was passed around the table being introduced to everyone as they identifying themselves by their blogger names.

Then the ipad rings again and the Binkleys D MJ Binkley also in USA...join in.

To say we all got on famously and ate well is an understatement...Sydney TB get-togethers...priceless.

If there are others from Sydney who would like to be involved in future...feel free to let me know.


The Basement's Strongest Performance Ever

Siestas are not an Aussie tradition...so as our TB guests leave I'm bustling Brendan & Jo into the car for our next event...no rest for the wicked I say.

Had this booked for months...special table to cater for Jo on crutches...close to front row at an iconic intimate Sydney music venue...the Basement.

You've maybe seen the film of an Irish working class blues band that rocketed the Commitments to fame.

Andrew Strong the lead singer is here to blow us away...and man oh man did his band do so.

We have seen many shows here and this has to rate as one of the best...demanding attention...Andrew belting it out...attacking his guitar...the band soaring...ya gotta be there to understand...whoooah.

Then walking the harbour foreshore late at night...the shimmering Opera House and the clown face of Luna Park grinning across the water...the Harbour Bridge smiling down...fruit bats screaming to break the silence...Andrew Strong's performance still ringing in our ears.


Day Three - getting to know you

Then I saw it.

A photo of the real bvchef in his chef's jacket...clearly different spelling of his name embroidered thereon

Vermilliom...the M jumping out at me.

He says it is Vermillion...but the N is an M.

How often do you detect a scammer by the odd spelling mistake?

The spelling of his name,,,and he thought we wouldn't notice...yeeka!

That look in his eye...sweat rolling...flicker...is it fear?

He knows I'm onto him

Time to take him into the bush for
A special momentA special momentA special moment

Friends from across the globe...NZ, USA & Australia...
a bit of "Would I Lie to You?"...took him to meet the snake outside his backyard spa room.

"You bastard", he exclaims. ."It's a fake snake...it's rubber," he screams.

I take him into the bush to the rock where the jogger's grandfather met the serpent from the Dreamtime...the only sound of the breeze from the gorge rustling the gum leaves...the spirits of the Dreamtime whispering sweet nothings to us.


Soon he's jumping in the Pacific Ocean splashing amazed how clean and clear the waters are...the Trouble surveying from a bench as crutches ain't any good in beach sand.

Sydney's most northern beach...Palm Beach for dusk...then a sand track under the lighthouse to Pittwater on the other side of the isthmus...the sun setting as we settle down for wine and camaraderie...that feeling that only friends know...fish & chips in a Restaurant later...yep..times that only good friends know.

Day 4...The Blue Mountains for Jumping or Flying

"Do you speak English?" he demands...the startled visitors to Govetts Leap wondering who is this guy really...holding his legs ready to drop him into the chasm...promising to behave before I pull him up.
The Three SistersThe Three SistersThe Three Sisters

Blue Mountains, NSW

Left our place dropping into Galston Gorge...8 x 180 degree turns winding down...then the back way through Cattai Ridge to Windsor...Bells Line of Road to the sandstone cliffs of the escarpments known as the Blue Mountains...a long bush drive for our O/s guests...pulling down dirt tracks for that Aussie experience.

Scenic wonderland they call it...the Scenic Skyway on a wire over Megalong Valley...the world's steepest railway to the forest floor...the Trouble keeping up as we trek to a skyway back up.

Our time together drawing to a close...time for a bit of luxury...no better than dinner at the Hydro Majestic...even bvchef impressed as they lay on extravagant fare...the night drive back through thick fog home just before midnight...the curtain dropping as our time draws to a close.

I summed it up next morning as they head to the airport..."THAT WAS AN ORDEAL" cutting the silence...the laughs of all of us ringing in our ears.

That look that only friends can understand...who cares who is that guy really...memories that transcend cultures...great memories that endure.

Relax and Enjoy,

Dancing Dave

The music video "Shell Shocked" will only work on page one of this blog

Additional photos below
Photos: 98, Displayed: 30




Jan Jan


John and Sylvia

Nomad Old Farts


Laila the Tuareg

John and Sylvia
Jo Jo

Jo Trouble

24th June 2018

Who is anyone really?
Wow, what a great story of an amazing time. There were so many special times and memories to go with the stunning pictures. All of the bvchef personalities are honored at this story and humbled at you and Denise's hospitality. Jo Trouble, yeah, you added some zip to the visit for sure.
24th June 2018

Who is anyone really?
With so many persona and a music video that will surely go viral, I felt compelled to join the game. Having spent some time with the Chef, honoured are we to have been able to do that. What fun we had together. I hope the blog gave a hint of that. Denise and I think of you often, Brendan. Keep smiling and being you.
24th June 2018

Brilliant group of Travel bloggers
We hope some day to follow in the Chefs footsteps and meet all of these fabulous bloggers. I'm still hearing great stories of adventure and hospitality. Mr. Hooper you are full of tricks and rubber snakes. Carry on and our paths will cross soon!!
24th June 2018

Brilliant group of Travel bloggers
T'was too good a time to not share MJ. Continues the story of the World's Friendliest Travel Community and wonderful times when we get together. Our Virtual Lunch.in Sydney...How good was that!!!! Thanks for introducing Brendan to us...we had a hoot.
24th June 2018

It's a family and thank you all!
Recently someone suggested me that I should use Wordpress to write my blogs as it is to share in various social media; apparently Wordpress has all these in-built buttons. I didn't answer and I was not in a mood to explain to him that our TB social network is more valuable to me than any social media whatsoever. And Dave, your story says it all. It was unfortunate that I didn't start blogging when I last visited OZ, but I will not miss the next opportunity for sure. And this is the first time I saw Jo's photo, although I am very familiar with her Passport!! Dave you are so right, Jo is our technical fulcrum of TB community. We sometimes ignore the amount of time and effort she puts behind all we do here. Dave, may I ask you to pass on my heartfelt gratitude to Jo. 'Much appreciated' is too small a sentence for that. Please plan the next get-together in the Rockies my friends!!
26th June 2018

It's a family and thank you all!
I was requested by China Daily to write for that publication but I refused as I only have one travel family and it is Travelblog. The reason is because it is a family. We have met heaps of TBers and travelled with some. Hopefully we will meet someday Tab. Where there is a will there is a way and the Rockies sound just the place. And as for Jo Trouble you are so right. I'm sure your message of thanks to her will warm her heart. It costs nothing to say something nice but the effect can be priceless.
25th June 2018

What! I missed the party!
You know how to throw the best...getting TBers together. Thanks for blogging the great times you had with the TB family with us. And thanks for showing Linda, Will and I around when we visited in Oct 2012.
26th June 2018

What! I missed the party!
I wanted to include you in the Virtual Lunch Bob but due to time differences and my own technical inadequacies...maybe next time. Was it as long ago as 2012 I pushed you up those bush paths down the back of our place? Then you and Linda returned the favour in your Colorado snowbound home in 2015. An excellent example of what Travelblog offers...like us...friends for life!
25th June 2018

kindred spirits
lovely to see all of you together! So sorry to hear about Jo's accident as I know firsthand just how painful fracturing a femur is!
26th June 2018

kindred spirits
And you like Jo did not let a fractured femur hold you down Harold. And like the pics of Palm Beach and Pittwater...was you and me some time ago with even fewer...in fact no other people on the beach. How good was that?
26th June 2018

It was a grand day.
Thanks for the reminder. Still waiting for you to visit us. Do you know if Jo is off her crutches yet?
27th June 2018

It was a grand day.
Yes John, Jo is off her crutches and was in Umina several days ago. Give us a date and let's get together...let's make it happen.
28th June 2018

Near miss
I often wonder how many ‘near misses’ we travellers have. How many people that we knew were right next to us when dining somewhere overseas? I like the idea of virtual dinners - I would like to try that. Dave.
29th June 2018

Near miss
When I contacted Ali to see if I could have him Skype into our Sydney TB meetup he suggested the Virtual Lunch. On researching I thought I could get up to 200 joining us through the ether. How cool would it have been if I could have got you Arctic huskeys to join in, Dave? But it was not as easy as it sounded. As it turned out we did well to score Ali & the Binkleys who all knew Brendan from California days. I may not be technical but no one can say I am not determined. So can we have a Canuck/Oz Virtual Lunch one day?
28th June 2018

Will the real bvchef please stand up?
As usual Dave, your blogs are entertaining, informative, funny and for me, the cat's meow. What a fab get together. Yes, no rest for the wicked! I loved the pics (some people did not look happy but that is typical of my family when I grab the camera. They all look like suspects.) When I grow up Dave I want to write just like you. OK, I am grown up and have a family but heck I can dream. For now my family and friends have to tolerate my blogs, so god bless them. Keep up the good work as always, your faithful Canadian gal who reads whatever you throw at me. I truly love the travel blog community even though I am such a small cog in the wheel. I love that my aunts, uncles, friends who do not travel can see a bit of what we do even if much of it is much of the same thing do to my work and opportunity. Salud as I raise my glass to all of the TB community!
30th June 2018

Will the real bvchef please stand up?
Ah...I have heard from my fav Canadian gal with her usual encouraging witty repartee. I had never even dreamed of blogging or some of the exciting locations we have travelled before I joined Travelblog, Sal. I only joined TB because I wanted to share photos from Mali & Ethiopia that otherwise would have sat at the bottom of a drawer as usual. Never had I dreamed I would venture into a writing style that is so different than my professional life or met so many other travel dreamers in the ether and in the flesh along the way, some who we can count as true friends. I have blogged about other TB meetups and travels, but this blog was for Brendan. It only gives a hint of the hilarious time we had together. Would have also been the best recovery medicine for Jo who was suffering but always showed a brave face. And it was also for Ali, TB's Blogger No. 1...who made all things TB possible. How lucky are we???!!!
1st July 2018

A matter of 'when' not 'if'
I was so pleased to fiiiinally meet Brendan in person. He might not have known what was in store for him in Sydney, but based on previous Dancing One organised meetups I knew I had to book my flight before the FOMO had a chance to kick in. Thanks to the Dancing Duo for their usual incredible hospitality.
1st July 2018

A matter of 'when' not 'if'
As always it was a pleasure to have you join us Jo. And this blog is also a reminder of how much the Travelblog community appreciates you and your determination to endure. Keep a place in your heart to always know that.
22nd July 2018

Would have loved to attend!
Someday, in the not to far distant, I need to make my way down to the land down under and meet up my favourite dancing friend. :)
22nd July 2018

Would have loved to attend!
I will look forward to when we meet Per-Olof. Whether in Sweden or Oz or elsewhere. I love surprises and also turning them on.

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