Day 1 - Sydney to Condobolin

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May 4th 2017
Published: May 4th 2017
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Set out at 8.00 am Tuesday morning. Got up at 5.30am and completely re-packed the car because I had nightmares all night about getting the spare, spare tyre (Cyril) on the roof.

Pretty uneventful really. Had the greatest pie ever at the Canobolas Tea House in Orange. Got half way to Parkes and then Becs realised she'd left her handbag in the tea house, drove back and just got there before it closed. Had to miss "the dish" in Parkes. Got to Condobolin just as it was getting dark. No accommodation (including cabins at the caravan park) due to the Abba Festival in Trundle and had to set up the tent in the dark. Had a great meal at the Railway Hotel, actually anything would have been great. Highlight was that in typical Sydney fashion I got $20 out to pay for the glass of Shiraz. It was $6.

I promise tomorrow will be more exciting.

Lessons learnt:

- keep your belongings close

- ring ahead

- all girls are fat in country towns, have tatts and wear black tights (go figure)

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