Quad bikes :)

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October 2nd 2012
Published: October 2nd 2012
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View from the loungeView from the loungeView from the lounge

I took this photo the first morning I was here. I arrived at night and so in the morning Tay pulled back the enormous curtains and showed me this! A very good first impression!

So much fun!

Tay and I took the quad bike out for a tour of the farm, we did about 30mins and still didn't cover it all, but I got to see some amazing views. I really don't want to start taking the landscape out here for granted and start to miss how breathtaking it is. At home when I look out my lounge window I see a road and the house opposite, here I see for miles and miles, rolling hills, animals (creepy and cute) and the sunrise and sunset.

We went around the paddock and saw some of the animals, cows, sheep, bulls, horses, dogs and of course some lizards etc. Well Tay actually ran a lizard over, but we went back and it was gone so it must have been fine. It felt so amazing to be speeding through unspoilt countryside and seeing all the hills, little lakes/very large ponds and the creek. I imagined because of the heat out here that the landscape would be mainly brown sort of colours like when I go to other hot countries and its all sand and dead looking grass, but the colours are brilliant. I can

I took this last night as Tilly and I waited for everyone to get home, I could have sat there for hours!
see the rapeseed field which marks the end of the farm land belonging to the family, it's bright yellow, the grass is all vivid greens and the flowers and fruits all grown in amazing colours. The strangest thing is the wood on most of the trees is like a white/grey sort of colour and there are lots of broken tress lying everywhere which makes it look like the real outback.

I'll upload pictures to explain a bit more.

I also just got back from Manly in Sydney so I will blog about that next ..

Additional photos below
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This is from the tour

This is not a google picture, this is seriously what we saw, don't panic it's a cow.

6th October 2012

Loving your blog
So much enjoying reading your Great adventure Rachel !!! Missing you lots. Ali / sue xxx

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