My first week in the outback

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September 20th 2012
Published: September 23rd 2012
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This was found and killed by some braver and bigger men than me.
First of all I need to catch up about my flight, the second half of the longest journey of my life! (and for once I am not exaggerating) The second half was a lot better than the first as it was shorter for a start and I found episodes of Game of Thrones, True Blood and some newly released films! Happy days 😊

The car journey form Sydney to Molong wasn't long- about 4 hours - which seemed like nothing after the flight and it went fast as I had Cherrie and Tay to talk to. Well Tay was ill so she wasn't as chatty as she is now- which is a lot - her feeling ill turned into a bacterial infection and she ended up in hospital. I spent Saturday night with her on the most uncomfortable bed, not so much a bed as a pull out chair. Thankfully it was only for one night and the Dr said I could bring her home as long as I kept an eye on her.

So far so good, but I have a mean sore throat! I must sort health insurance this week.

Near death experience

Farm transportFarm transportFarm transport

Unfortunatly this didn't work so we went for a quad bike :)

Ok that is an exaggeration.. It was a white tail, the small ones with white little spots or one big dot on their back. Not nice little creatures and if it bites you, you'll need anti-venom and be sick for a few days with big blisters where you were bitten. So being me I found one in my bathroom on my first morning!! I shouted for Taylor who came and splatted the little buggar with my sandle. Panic over, but i was seriously on edge for a few days, shaking all my clothes before i put them on, checking the loo before i pee, the floor before i move, my bed before i get in and going outside on the grass is nerve racking! Apparently snakes will become more frequent as it becomes warmer as they are cold blooded and need the sun to warm them. They will hide in long grass mainly, but they will lay in the road/path as it's warmer. I've had a lot of warnings and tips about them as the children will be outside more and more as it gets warmer. The main thing to remember is that they are deaf! Screaming will not help!
Hide and SeekHide and SeekHide and Seek

Took my eye off him for 5 minutes and he's ON THE ROOF!
They feel vibrations so stamp your feet and DO NOT SNEAK UP ON THEM. They should go away as they don't seek people out only warm spots.


Jet lag is a killer, as I arrived about 1am to the Handebo House/Paddock/Farm I should have been able to sleep for ages and be fine, but I was awake by 9am the next day, since then I have managed to sleep a bit extra each day and I'm starting to feel normal again although my day starts at 7am with breakfast and lunch boxes. As it's my first experience of looking after children full time it is exhausting! Tilly makes me crack up she has so much personality for such a small person, but she tires me out. By the end of the day I am ready for bed about 8pm.

All things new

Looking after children is hard which I knew it would be and I'm enjoying it, so far i have had Tilly for a few days and been keeping the house fairly tidy. As I am still settling in I haven't started cleaning for the rest of the family yet and
Slave labour....?Slave labour....?Slave labour....?

She loves laundry
I've not done any school runs yet, but I've been having Tilly, doing the shopping and sorting dinner. As Tay was of school from my first day here I had a tour of the house especially the kitchen as it's huge, I love it! I've had a few trips in each car, the 5 seater Kia and the 8 seater VW, one is automatic and one manual which is tricky switching between. The panic when you put your foot on the clutch and it's not there! Or when you stop in the manual and forget about clutch and gears so you kangeroo to a stop!

All in all, so far so good. I have some things I still need to do here such as health insurance, I should do that quickly I know! I need to get a bank account and after the internet is sorted here I may need to change my phone network I'm not sure yet.


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