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August 22nd 2023
Published: August 22nd 2023
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And pretty soon, summer will be gone. What a great ride it's been though. We have kept ourselves busy with many “Small Town, USA” functions but most of all, we have enjoyed being with our family. We hope all of you have enjoyed your summer.

Not to sound conceited or vain, we are going to start this blog out by talking about “moi! (me)” As you read on, you will actually be able to see my goal is to obtain your sympathy. I love sympathy. My latest experience was not a pleasant one. Are you already feeling bad for me? I hope so. I suspected I had a little problem with one of my crowned teeth. I made an appointment with my dentist and got right in. On a positive note, my retired dentist was covering my current dentist who was on vacation. He knows my mouth inside and out. He's seen the bad and done the good. Hooray! He examined the tooth and thought he could fix it. He got out his trusty drill and Rrrrrrr……oops! My crown broke right off! So much for that fix. Rats! All I could do now was return the next day so he could pull out the remaining three roots. Yikes! I returned like a lamb going to slaughter. You have to be feeling sad for me by now….right? Cory was. Even though this crowned tooth had a root canal in it so it was “dead”……he gently double-numbed the area up with novocaine. Remember, I don't deal well with pain….a paper cut just about puts me on the floor! Once my face was paralyzed, the ordeal began. Of course, it was not easy or pleasant. Some of the roots broke into pieces while parts of others were like they were super glued into my jaw. My dentist was like a starving dog digging for a meaty bone. He dug, drilled and pulled with all his strength. After what seemed like days, he finally got the last shard out! We were both exhausted! Believe it not, it never hurt me (double-numbed) ….just the crunching and drilling sounds were horrific. Have I earned your sympathy now? I need it badly! The vacant hole feels like I could put a living room couch in it. When I got out to our car, Cory thought I had a stroke or at least, bells palsy. The double numbing froze half my face. I was like Kramer in Seinfeld…drooling and slurring my words. It all eventually wore off and I had very little discomfort. Amazing but still worthy of lots of sympathy. Do I have it? Please…….This week I go back to get the stitches out.

I always try to keep some sort of souvenir from any of my traumatic experiences. This time I kept my broken-off crown. I can make a necklace or ring out of it, maybe. I thought I misplaced it but quickly saw what happened to my tooth. No….the tooth fairy didn't take it……Lulu did! She has always wished she had teeth to show everyone. This was her answer! Not sure if it enhances her beauty or not. You will have to decide. She likes it so I guess that is all that really matters. Because Lulu feels that she is quite glamorous. (which she is…kind of), she had no qualms posing with this new addition we found to be her new friend. Her friend may be more stylish and have longer hair but Lulu is very comfortable in her own skin and finds herself to be quite breath-taking. We have to agree! We love Lulu.

Speaking of hair. Remember that scalped haircut I got at Great Clips before we left Florida? I had to wear my little green cap 24/7 for over a month to hide my head! I still sob when I think about it. Anyway, I have NOT had to cut my hair after all these months! Thank God, hair grows back! I'm getting close though….I think I'll get a trim pretty soon so I can go out in public. And this time, I'm showing the stylist my picture of how I don't want it cut! My friend said I looked like Jim Carrey in the movie “Dumb and Dumber.” She was right!

Because Shongo consists of only a church, one bait store and two bar/restaurants, we have to travel to keep entertained. We went to the Potter County Fair in Millport, PA.. just 15 miles away on the Eleven Mile Road. It was a fun time. I especially like seeing all the animals. Cory would rather smell the Fried Dough than the barn odors so he walks quickly ahead of me.

Another day, we walked around the Heritage Days Festival in Angelica, NY. In the center of their park is their historic croquet court that is still being used to this day. It originally was played on during the 1880s. Cory found a treasure to buy and we saw some old friends. The day was still young, so we headed to the Eden Corn Fedtival….50 miles from Buffalo, NY. This was a first time going here for us….but it won't be our last. It was marvelous. If you like corn on the cob….this is where to be! By the end of the day, Cory and I had eaten four ears of corn each…PIGS! But, oooh, so good! They had hundreds of vendors set up selling their crafts and goodies. We decided, next time, we would enter their corn-shucking contest! If you don't win, you can still keep all the corn you shuck! Yahoo!
Our next adventure was back to Angelica, NY (24 miles). This time we attended The Office of the Aging Senior Citizen Picnic. This was our first time going. Since we are almost 80 years old, we figured we qualified. It was at the fairgrounds and after arriving there, we could understand why they needed such a huge area. There was a monster size circus tent set up and over 600 folks in attendance. WOW! We got in a line that encircled the entire perimeter of this huge tent. As we moved along, hundreds of businesses and supporters handed out freebies. I forget how many “bags full” we ended up with. It was like Christmas morning going through them all. They had a farmers market, music and dancing, magic show and local politician speakers. They had contests for the funniest T-shirt, prettiest T-shirt and most clever T-shirt. Guess what? Cory and I won the contest for the funniest T-shirt! We each receives a $25.00 gift certificate to the Dollar Store. Yeah! We were given these shirts from our orthopedic doctor in Florida when we had our knee replacements done. Thank you, Dr.Johnston. They served a sit-down Chicken Bar-B-Q dinner to all of us. We were able to sit with long-time friends, Peggy and Bill. It was a terrific day!

Our daughter, Lory, and her family live in Scio, NY. (12 1/2 miles from our RV). Their little town just celebrated their Bicentennial. Cory and I went to their parade. Lory and a group of her ladyfriends were on a float in it. They call themselves “The Ladies Supper Club.” When we set up our chairs up, it didn't look like there would be too many onlookers but that soon changed. The folks came out and so did the rain! No matter….nothing could rain on their parade and it continued as planned…..with umbrellas! It was a nice parade. The following day, they had a Community Picnic. We all took a dish to pass and they provided chicken barbeque. Delish!! What a grand selection of food. It was like ten Golden Corrals put together. Don't be surprised when you see me and I'm wearing the Office of the Aging tent!!

Even though Cory and I spend 24/7 together, it's always fun to go out on a date. We drove to Hornell, NY (33 1/2 miles away). We ate a delicious Italian meal at Marino’s restaurant. It was so nice and cozy…… and scrumptious. Let's do that again soon, Bucko!

This past Saturday we drove back to Hornell, NY. This pilgrimage was to attend their Irish Festival. After looking at my ancestry, I see I am a lot more Irish than I thought. “An té a bhíónn siúlach, bíonn scéalach” — (He who travels has stories to tell). Cory’s mother was very Irish (Mary Constance Connor). I wore green, Cory didn't! We watched their little but nice parade before going to their festival area. They had some booths set up. Cory liked the Beer Tent best…. “Sláinte!” We were entertained by a duet of Irish musicians, a group of wonderful Bagpipers, and talented Irish dancers. It was all magnificent. We ended these festivities by eating at The Old Mill Inn on our way home. They have delicious food.

Before heading back to our RV, we caught the tail end of “A Taste of Wellsville” event that was still going on in town. It was the first time our town has done this and it was a success. We walked half of Main Street to check out the various vendors. We wished we hadn't just eaten. We did make room for some yummy Funnel Fries from Dawny Jeans. They are to die for. They are like Fried Dough but shaped like straws. Oh, Yummers! The circus tent is fitting me nicely now.

On Sunday, Lory and Jay and Sara invited us over to their house (Scio, NY) to celebrate our grandson’s, Alan, birthday. He was 32 on August 15th. Al is the oldest of all our grandchildren. He is married to Brittany and they have two sons, Luke and Jack. Jay cooked a prime rib on his Big Green Egg! It was out of this world. Jay’s Aunt & Uncle, Lani and Roger came, too. Another festive family day. Now the tent is actually starting to feel a bit snug. Rats!

Okay….are you ready?? I have saved the best for last. On August 14th, our son, Cory and his fiancee, Penny, got married. This is a second marriage for both so they had a small, quiet, private ceremony by our local justice of the peace and friend, Shaun Walsh. He actually married Alan and Brittany, too. Cory and Penny are so happy and we are so happy for them. We are so glad that they found each other to make a new and wonderful life together. Congratulations Cory & Penny! They are going to have a Celebration Party on September 23rd. Most all of our family will be there. It will be so wonderful! Our best times are when our family can be together. We are excited for Cory and Penny and for us, too. HipHipHooray!

After this marvelous celebration, Cory, Lulu and I will load up our RV and head south. We hope you will be packed and ready to go with us. With this much notice, we are assured no stragglers. That's good. See you then everyone! There are 31 pictures so remember to scroll down as far as you can! And actually, go onto a second page! 😁

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Photos: 31, Displayed: 29


27th August 2023

Great Blog
Thanks for the update!

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