Traveling like Gypsies

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March 4th 2024
Published: March 4th 2024
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Traveling like Gypsies

March 4, 2024

For the last 120 days Kirsten and I have remodeled 4 bathrooms along with one complete house. Yes, we had help from Luis and Antonio.

So now that everything is back on autopilot, we are going on Wacation.

This trip is going to be slightly different, yes, we’re going to Europe. However, we bought tickets to New York (JFK). As you know, we travel using Bea’s buddy passes, and as always, we only get on if there is an empty seat. Yikes!

So, this time we really don’t know where we’re flying into, could be Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, or Switzerland.

So, as you’re reading this blog Kirsten, and I will be running between gates at JFK with an adult beverage in our hands looking for the best seats into Europe.

We have no reservations; I’ll reserve us a car once we’ve selected the best flight and I’ve finished my drink of course and then off, we go.

I know you’re thinking, these crazy people are doing what! ? !

Yes, we have always talked about just leaving on a jet plane, but something always came up and we had to plan. Not that we plan that much.

This time we’re just going. No plans, no reservations, no agenda, no commitment, and no timeline.

When we land, we’ll check the weather and head toward the good weather.

So look for our blogs,

Arrivederci, Auf Wiedersehen, Adios, Au Revoir

Steve & Kirsten

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5th March 2024

Have Fun
Sounds like quite the adventure, I look forward to reading the posts and sharing the trip.

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