Princeton, Sculptures, Barbecues and Crafts!

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July 11th 2010
Published: July 15th 2010
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Our stay in the Philadelphia area was made so much better by meeting up with our friend Natalie who we knew from Argentina. We also got to meet her husband-soon-to-be, Patrick, who took us into his house and made us feel like long lost relatives. We also got to see Natalie's parents again. We had met Isaac and Elvira when they visited Argentina and it was wonderful to see them.

Natalie took us up to their house and then we were treated to a tour of the grounds of Princeton University, one of the famous Ivy League schools. It was amazing to wander around with such an interesting and informative guide. To walk in the footsteps of Einstein may or may not have increased our brain power but you can but try!! The statues around campus are incredible, especially the one of Biblical figures Isaac and Abraham. The high street nearby has some houses in a mock tudor style, very reminiscent of home, and we loved the ice cream parlour we were taken to, complete with wacky mirrors!!

Next we visited a sculpture park which we were not sure would be our thing. It was!! Giant sculptures adorned the roadside on the way to the park including the famous kiss from New York at the end of World War II. Inside sculptures intertwine with nature and misty fountains to give a rather surreal atmosphere in places. Some of the works recreate famous paintings whilst others are downright weird. The flowers are absolutely beautiful and the baby peacocks are simply cute. Our exhausting (!) day was completed with a wonderful barbecue hosted by Isaac and Elvira. We are incredibly grateful for their hospitality.

The following day Natalie took us out to a town called Haddonfield where a craft market was in full swing. It was set on the high street amongst fabulous old houses and the artisan works were colourful, weird and wonderful. The "British Shop" was a great find and sold many different treats from home. We bought some Spotted Dick for Natalie and Patrick to try!!!!!!!

That evening we all went out to Camden, near Philly, to sit on a huge grassy bank and watch a concert. The first act was ALO, the Animal Liberation Orchestra, who were great. G-Love up next were not so great. Then came the main act, Jack Johnson, who was brilliant. We had such a good time - until it came to getting out of the car park afterwards. Total gridlock!

So that was the end of our time in the Philadelphia and New Jersey area. We filled in the gaps with some cycling or walking in the woods. Still no bears! Plenty of deer and wild turkeys though. There have been so many highlights on this trip, and this week had definitely been one of them.

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Inside Princeton ChurchInside Princeton Church
Inside Princeton Church

Or is it Hogwarts?!!
Silly PicturesSilly Pictures
Silly Pictures

Great Ice Cream though!!

15th July 2010

looks like you had fun with those sculptures :)

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