Lewis & Clark Caverns

Published: August 5th 2012
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Today we left Glacier and drove about 5 hours to the Lewis and Clark Caverns. We arrived at our campsite around 3:30 pm. Located in a very dry desert area of Montana, it was hot! Over 30 degrees Celsius. We unhooked the trailer, climbed back in the air conditioned truck and headed for somewhere cool -- the caverns. It seemed like a good plan ... but before we got to go underground, we had to walk up a very steep hill (a 500 ft gain) for nearly a half hour in the very hot sun. The tour through the caverns was incredible and deliciously cool! We’ve been through the caves twice before and they are still a thrill. The caves are filled with stalactites and stalagmites and many other wonders that our guide told us about, and I unfortunately cannot remember. The tour takes about one and a half hours weaving through a number of caves for about a mile underground. There are many places where you have to watch your head as the ceiling can be very low. There’s even a place you have sit and slide through. And, then there are the hugh caverns that rise high above --
Beautiful deerBeautiful deerBeautiful deer

What gorgeous shots you get when you're far away, but have a camera lens that brings the animals up close.
truly impressive to behold! It’s an amazing feeling to be inside the earth surrounded by solid rock. When our guide turned out the lights, we all got to experience complete and total darkness.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


"Snow cone""Snow cone"
"Snow cone"

A stalactite in the cavern.
Small town AmericaSmall town America
Small town America

There were so many buildings with such character in the small towns we passed through.

13th August 2012

How far are they at upgrading the lights in the caves? It looks, by the pictures they have done quite a bit. It has been a hot summer here.
13th August 2012

Cave lighting
Hi Lee Ann, We went through the caves about 10 years ago, so I can't recall what the lighting was like back then. However, the lighting that we saw on this recent tour was quite good (for a cave). And, yes, it was very hot everywhere we went - I'm not complaining, winter will be here too soon!
5th April 2013
Sunset at Lewis & Clark

Saw this photo on the front page today and had to tell you what an AMAZING photo this is. You've really captured the splendor of North America.
24th June 2013
Sunset at Lewis & Clark

Spectacular photo!
This took my breath away. I showed it to my girlfriend and she said, "Wow! Let's go there!" Thanks for sharing it. Bronson
25th August 2013
Sunset at Lewis & Clark

Wow, what an awesome photo!!
looks like a canon has been shot and the clouds are puff's of smoke ....
31st August 2013
Sunset at Lewis & Clark

Yours entitled photo \\\"Sunset at Lewis & Clark\\\" has to be one of the most stunning pictures I have ever seen. Did you take that shot with a special lens?
3rd December 2013

Your photography is so amazing. You brought me to places I never thought could be beautiful...the caves awesome...
17th February 2014
Sunset at Lewis & Clark

Beautiful sunset photo!

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