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North America » United States » Hawaii » Big Island
March 17th 2014
Published: March 17th 2014
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Kilauea is one of the largest active volcanoes in the world, but like Hawaii, it's laid-back (most of the time). Most active volcanoes are not something you drive to and spend a day exploring - you usually get out of their way! But not this volcano -- first, we spent some time hiking around the crater, and in the evening had a lovely dinner at the Volcano House Restaurant with a great view of the volcano.Then, as evening fell, we watched as the smoke plume turned from white to pink and eventually red. For the final event, we left the restaurant and drove closer to have a look into the "belly of the beast" -- the lava lake in the centre of the crater!

On the way to Kilauea, we stopped at the end of the world (not quite, but you can see it from there) It's the furthest southern point in the United States, and it's aptly named 'South Point'. It is believed this is where the first people set foot on the Hawaiian Islands. I can't imagine how they did it. It's a wind-swept area with high cliffs rising from a turbulent sea!

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"It's the end of the world as we know it, but I feel fine!"

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