I haven't worn socks for a week!

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North America » United States » Hawaii » Big Island » Kailua-Kona
March 17th 2014
Published: March 17th 2014
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Ocean front condoOcean front condoOcean front condo

David took this HDR photo at sunset.
As we were driving to another wonderful snorkeling spot, David exclaimed, "I haven't worn socks for a week!" After living through one of the coldest winters in 30 years, going without socks for a week is worth mentioning. Not only, have we not worn socks for a week, we haven't worn pants, or sweaters, or parkas, or mitts, or ... life is just easier. We've been in Hawaii for over a week and this is my first post.

There is so much I could write, but where to start? How about the weather? Well, the first day was a little overcast, but warm, the next day was sunny and warm (between 78 & 84 degrees Fahrenheit -- I can't even think in Celsius anymore), the next day was sunny and warm, the next day was ... , it's a bit monotonous if you're a weather channel buff. This part of the island is known to have stable, sunny, dry weather most of the year.

I love the ocean -- the condo we're staying is steps from it. The waves crash against the rocks and lull
Waves on RocksWaves on RocksWaves on Rocks

I wish I could bottle the sound & feel of the waves crashing on the rocks!
us to sleep at night (sometimes they're so loud they wake us up!) From the lanai (it's the Hawaiian name for deck) we've seen boats, canoes, dolphins, one whale, and numerous birds. One morning we watched dozens of spinner dolphins frolic in the waves for several hours. The sunsets are breathtaking! One night, as the sun was sinking, the ocean turned from blue to the most stunning teal green! I wonder if those who live here ever become immune to the magic of the ocean?

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