Teotihuacan - Pyramids of the sun and moon

Published: May 14th 2010
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Above panorama: view from the pyramid of the moon

About 50km from Mexico City lies the ancient city of Teotihuacan. It is still debated who built it, but it were the Aztecs who gave the city the name we now know it by, after they rediscovered the city centuries after it had been abandoned. The cities oldest structures date from 200 BC and the largest pyramid was completed by 100 AD.

I took a bus and arrived early to avoid the tourbuses and to enjoy the site more quiet and at a more bearable temperature! A Japanese guy was on the same bus as I was, so we explored the site together.

Most of the site is still unexcavated, but the pyramids that dominate the landscape here, are restored in full glory. The biggest pyramid, the pyramid of the sun, is one of the largest pyramids in the world.

Except for the two major pyramids and an interesting museum, there is not a great deal to see, but the pyramids are not very close to each other, so it involves a bit of walking (in the middle of the sun).

Climbing the pyramids is great though. On top of the pyramid of the sun, there are stunning views of the ancient ruins and the surrounding landscape, all at an altitude of 2270m!

While waiting on the bus back to Mexico City, we met an American girl who was studying Spanish in Mexico. Back in Mexico City we took the metro back to the historic center, and I bought a ticket to my next adventure: Havana, Cuba!

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14th May 2010

Congratulations on your first Front Page blog! :)
19th October 2010
Pyramid of the moon


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