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January 8th 2007
Published: January 9th 2007
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Trip Thailand

Hi everybody,

Well we are still planning the last few details fo our trip. Main things are organized. One of the places in Thailand that we will visit is an orpanage for Thai children who are HIV-positive or have AIDS. Karen and Ricky are the main care givers, they started this 6 months ago and as of now they look after 8 children. They are planning on expanding within the next year.
The kids school had a Christmas concert and collected around 1000.00 CAD in donations.

We are leaving Vancouver at 1.45 AM (would Starbucks still be open at that time for my last coffee ?) on Jan 15th, flying to Hongkok - Bangkok - Ko Samui. We should arrive Tuesday around 6.00 PM at our first hotel. " Ko Samui Resort" - perfect time for a drink on the beach. I have booked this hotel for 4 days, will see what is next. We will stay 8 days in Ko Samui and then fly back to bangkok, to take a flight to Suhkotai (Jan 24th) . Here we will stay 4 days and then fly to Chaing Mai. We will take a night train back to Bangkok at Feb 11th and stay there till Feb 16 ( providing nothing extra ordinary happens in this city, other wise we will go to a nice beach !!!!!!)

We will arrive at 7.30 AM in Sydney, will stay there one night and then pick up the motorhome and be "campers" for 2 1/2 weeks, arriving in Cairns on March 4th. From there we would like to fly to Ayers Rock, stay there 2 nights and then fly to Sydney, but that is not booked yet, who knows I might really start to like snorkelling and it will take us longer to get to Cairns (hey I even bought "dailies" for contacts, so in case I loose one I will have an extra 30 or so....) Then we will have 4 nights in a hotel in Sydney with a pool and good showers, so that we will come home kind of clean and rested on March 12th. I might even hit the gym there to get a bit back in shape after 8 weeks, so I can keep up with my girlfriends.....

We'll stay in touch, Mir


9th January 2007

Hi Mir, thanks for the update. Can you add hyperlinks to the places you are going to visit ? That way we will virtually travel with you !

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