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July 29th 2015
Published: August 8th 2015
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Last Day

The last Day.

We got up early as we did on travel days and did our regular 2.5-hour breakfast, struk camp, loaded the canoe, and headed out. The recent weather pattern was a westerly wind, which would have helped speed up the trip out, but today was calm. We did manage to keep an average speed of 5-6 km/hr with a couple sprints of 9 km/hr. We made the portage lagoon shortly after noon -- great time!

Our last day was a16 km paddle before the 2.5 km portage that would lead us back to the truck and home. As we paddled east from Tropicana, past Leo and Fairyslipper Islands, we could see what we thought were some canoes coming toward us, but they were taking a really long time coming. Then we realized, we were catching up to them! They were heading out to the same place as us. With German accented English they asked what motor we had in the boats to be going so fast -- Matthew was the answer. He had two speeds: off and on. I had to remind him to slow his pace throughout the trip, mostly because I was getting tired of always correcting for his strong stroke. Throughout the trip I was quite impressed, we were able to keep up with Mark in his kayak.

At the dock at the portage point, we met up with the park operators and chatted about our trip, the type of fish caught, where we went, and our experience. They were very nice people as were all the folks we met during our time in this wonderful place.


10th August 2015

When is the next trip!
Hi David and your co-paddlers - I really really enjoyed reading these from first entry to the last - discussing food items, the weight being carried, possibility of bears, travel guitar (!), other people around and how the weather changed. Great reading and of course photographs are out of this world :)
10th August 2015

HI Pat Actually the next long one starts right away. Although I am not sure if we will blog it. A short stay in Banff, a Roots and Blues festival in Salmon Arm, back to Wells Gray but on the west side, then over to Mount Robson and then Jasper. If not here then maybe Cozumel in January

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