Columbia Ice Field and Athabasca Glacier

Published: June 27th 2019
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Mama Grizzly BearMama Grizzly BearMama Grizzly Bear

Jus off the hotel property.
The next morning, Heather and Katie saw Grizzly Bears from their balconies not too far from the hotel. Heather went down first with Brett, Jan and I shortly after her. It was a very large female Grizzly with two cubs. Not the situation where you should get close. Mama bears really protect their young. We got some photos, though. It was only the first morning there and we saw Grizzly Bears!

A little later, we drove in two separate cars to the Columbia Ice Field, which is about two hours north in Jasper National Park. We took our grandson, Bobby, with Jan, Heather and I in our mini-van. The reason we took Bobby was to give Brett & Katie a break for a couple hours. Bobby is 20 months old, but has entered the "terrible twos" stage. He's been a very happy baby since he was born, but he can be pretty crabby lately and can wear out even young parents.

There are lots of glaciers in the Canadian Rockies which you will see driving through Jasper National Park, but Athabasca Glacier has a tour that will take you on top of the glacier in a bus called an Ice Explorer. It's a very rare experience to be able to walk around on top of a glacier. Above the glacier is the Columbia Ice Field. The ice field is on the tops of the mountains and runs for over 70 miles long. The guide explained to us that the difference in an ice field and a glacier is that the glacier is always moving and the ice field is stationary. The water running on top of and from a glacier is the purest water on earth.

On the ride back, we saw two Black Bears alongside the road and Heather got a couple pictures of them. Grizzly Bears in the morning and Black Bears in the afternoon.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


Athabasca GlacierAthabasca Glacier
Athabasca Glacier

The Columbia Ice Field is up on top of the mountains.

28th June 2019
Mama Grizzly and Two Cubs

Love these.
30th June 2019

Mountains , grizzlies & glaciers - awesome !
30th June 2019

Mountains , grizzlies & glaciers - awesome !
30th June 2019

Mountains , grizzlies & glaciers - awesome !

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