Off to Derry via the Giant's Causeway

Published: May 5th 2023
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Today was a very full day: Carrickfergus Castle;Bushmills Distillery, Portrush, Giant's Causeway.

Carrickfergus Castle: in the town of Carrickfergus: over 800 years old, sitting on the point so surrounded by water on three sides. In the 1100s, there was no ability to attack from water so thick walls and a thicker door with portcullises was the answer. Sounds good but the castle surrendered the three times it was actually attacked!

Bushmills Distillery: only the water from the spring in town is used to make this whiskey. Nice tour and tasting (and gift shop) at the end. Bucketed down rain while we were in the packing area which had a metal roof but then let up as we were ready to move to the next building.

Lunch in Portrush, a seaside resort which was packed despite the rain. It was a bank holiday (three-day weekend) so more folks were out and about. Great Irish stew, perfect for the wet day.

Giant's Causeway: a mile walk down hill (which means the return is up hill), around three bays brought us to the formations. Around the last bay, we heard the story of Fergus which explained the formations and some
King BillyKing BillyKing Billy

William of Orange was one of the Castle's conquerors.
other rocks.

Finally got to our hotel, City Hotel, in Derry to find that it was the next to last day of the Derry Jazz Festival and our hotel's lobby was one of the venues--packed. Our luggage was delivered to the room (I could get used to this--they unload the bus, deliver the cases, then reload the bus before we leave).

Additional photos below
Photos: 28, Displayed: 23


Banquet TableBanquet Table
Banquet Table

Leader ate first; food was passed down the table with the lowest lucky to have much left.
The Historic HallThe Historic Hall
The Historic Hall

In case of attack, this was the highest point. It was also very cold.
The PrivyThe Privy
The Privy

Since Prince John died on the toilet, he is pictured here in this one.
Robert's brotherRobert's brother
Robert's brother

engaged King Billy at this site.
Bushmills DistilleryBushmills Distillery
Bushmills Distillery

Because the air inside the buildings was permeated with alcohol, pictures were not allowed. Neither was the use of anything else with a battery--phones, vapes (for sure not lighting a cigarette!).
Visitors CenterVisitors Center
Visitors Center

ticket booth, beginning of tour

stained glass
Area around PortrushArea around Portrush
Area around Portrush

on the way to lunch (pouring)
The first bayThe first bay
The first bay

on the way to the Giant's Causeway

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