Ireland the North 1. Banbridge

Published: June 12th 2022
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Punctured Punctured Punctured

Ireland the North 1. Banbridge

We had a first today. I had a puncture just going south out of Belfast on the cycleway which hugs the river. I felt the rim touching the ground and knew the worst had happened, especially the rear wheel, which meant removing all my bags and dropping the chain etc. Luckily it was not raining and the job took less than 15 minutes before we were on our way again. The puncture was caused by a tiny piece of glass which had worked its way into the tyre. Luckily I found it and managed to work it back out. Our route was a cycleway for the next 23km, which was very pleasant riding since there were no hills and no traffic, unless you call loads of runners, walkers and the odd cyclists traffic. My bell was working overtime and my finger now has a seg on it. (A seg is a piece of hardened skin, not a castrated bull as in Scotland). Towards the end of the cycleway following the green algae covered Lagan canal there is a nice bridge and waterfall at the Island Centre where we skirted around Lisburn. After the towpath cycleway we hit the road again and immediately hit the rolling hills. Up and down, up and down until we hit Hillsborough and the rather busy Owl and Pussycat cafe. After some replenishment and as the legs were recovering from the cafe stop ( cafe legs) I crawled up the hill in Hillsborough, admiring the old fashioned houses and shops before stopping by the Castle with it’s wrought iron gates adorned with gold leaf. Luckily Oscar and Lyta caught me up as my legs were starting to work again and I jumped on to their tail for the rest of the journey into the wind, uphill and down dale, not taking a turn on the front but just hanging on for dear life. This got us to the Banville House Hotel for an early 12.30. As expected the rooms weren’t ready so we went to Tesco in Banbridge for a sandwich. No coffee available as the town this Sunday was like a morgue. A little rain shower occurred whilst we were at the supermarket so we missed rain all day but had a steady SW wind to contend with yet again. Now I have a puncture to mend.

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Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


CNC Route 9CNC Route 9
CNC Route 9

Near Lisbon Union Locks

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