time for a BATH

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March 9th 2013
Published: March 16th 2013
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Bath will hold a special place in my heart as the one where my loved one travels with me for the first time (together with my friends) in the UK, and celebrating my birthday in the city. A surprise ‘parcel’, who arrived in Loughborough where I’m studying, she gave me a huge surprise turning up at my place (after colluding with friends) and even better, joining us on this trip to Bath.

And so, after a few train rides, we arrived at the city, which gives us a different vibe from those we’ve been to thus far. “Just a different feeling” was the common acknowledgement of our first impression. As we checked into the hostel, we took our time wandering around, searching for the well-known Sally Lunn Bun first. Didn’t get to try it though, as we found it pricey and there was a queue anyway. Instead, we got our hands on the also-famous Bath Bun, which is pretty similar to a normal raisin bun with cubes of sugar planted within. Saw some buskers along the streets and the one that really caught our eyes was this juggler who could perform juggling tricks with ease and eloquently caught the audience’s attention with his performing antics and expressions. Definitely the best street performer I’ve encountered thus far! As Steph perhaps rightly put it, the streets would have been so different without people like them. I wonder too.

Went into the Roman Baths, and took some really touristy shots of the bath and the statues on the first level. The tour was pretty informative I would say, with the aid of the audio guide. Tried the water that comes from Mother Earth and into the Bath too and it really tasted weird, with contents of Iron (actually LOTS of Iron content, think Blood) in it. Cringed after the first sip, gulped down the rest of the cup afterwards. Spent a large bit of the afternoon here before making our way to the Circus, Royal Crescent and the Pulteney bridge. The best part of it I guess wasn’t the destination and the beauty of it but rather, the journey there, as we (Steph and I) thoroughly enjoyed the stroll there, taking in the cooling but not-so-cold breeze and being comfortable in each other’s presence. Get our hands on a couple of couple shots at those scenic places before heading back to the hostel, where it was time for a bath in Bath! (no punS intended! Haha)

A very chill place indeed, Bath is a destination to go if one just wants to laze around the whole day and watch the world go past. How relaxing!

Additional photos below
Photos: 29, Displayed: 23


Bath bunBath bun
Bath bun

with sugar cubes and raisins
in front of the Roman Bathsin front of the Roman Baths
in front of the Roman Baths

most brillant and amazing busker I've seen thus far

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