White Cliffs of Dover

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May 11th 2024
Published: May 12th 2024
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The White Cliffs of Dover
We woke up Saturday morning and were VERY sad that we didn’t see the Northern Lights, but we did get to see the White Cliffs of Dover. You can’t see them from a plane or from land, but you can see them from the water. They are beautiful and so tall. Our excursion isn’t until the afternoon, but they have a shuttle that goes to town and to Dover castle and got inline for that. We waited and waited but that might have been good because one of the security personnel started talking with us and told us to skip the town as everything has moved out to a local shopping center. So, we went to the castle. Unfortunately, since the shuttle alone was over an hour round trip, we just took the 10-minute stop at the castle to get some pictures. Once back as the ship, we ate lunch.

Our excursion was a bus trip to Canterbury and a stroll around town. Our guide was much better than the one we had in London. We saw the statue of Chaucer, many old buildings from the late 1400s to the 1600s and the Canterbury Cathedral. I also went to the drug store to buy more meds to keep me going. Susan and I sound horrible but continue to make the best of it.

After the tour of the town, we headed back to the ship and prepared to sail away. Before dinner we researched the Northern Light forecasts hoping to be able to see them that night. At dinner we were seated next to a window which was nice. I had a lamb stew that was on the destination menu. After dinner we headed to the show. It was a tenor singer that was wonderful, but I had to leave in the middle of it with another bad coughing fit. Susan stayed for the whole thing. I wish I could have stayed longer. We then put on our warm clothes and headed up on deck in hopes of seeing some of the northern lights but NO LUCK. There is another chance tonight, but it will be cloudier which is unfortunate.

Additional photos below
Photos: 27, Displayed: 23



Dover Castle

Pictures of the castle during our bus stop

view from the castle

a house covered in flint

old buildings in town

Canterbury Cathedral

Queen Elizabeth the First stayed here

hotel from 1500

oldest gate in Canterbury

Chaucer statue. Orlando Bloom is one of the faces on the bottom. He is from Canterbury and you could pay 5000 pounds to use your image to represent one of the characters of the book.

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