"Why do you look so scared?"........"BECAUSE IT'S A WEDDING RING"

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January 8th 2011
Published: January 10th 2011
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A beautiful statue at the Victoria & Albert MuseumA beautiful statue at the Victoria & Albert MuseumA beautiful statue at the Victoria & Albert Museum

However the name of the statue is 'The rape of Proserpina'
Today is the day Nikki & I go to pick up our rings before the wedding (Well pick up Nikki’s ring anyway, I got mine for Christmas), we both woke up really excited about getting her ring but the jewellers was not open until 11 so decided to take advantage of the fact with live in London (and the fact we had so much energy) to visit The Natural History Museum and The Victoria & Albert Museum.

From the outside the Natural History Museum is an amazing building, it is absolutely huge (much like the queue), when we eventually got in you are greeted by a huge mould of a dinosaur skeleton, as you get closer the vastness of the museum becomes clear. The detail in the brick work is phenomenal with lots of little animals actually built in to the columns, without even looking at the exhibits this place is breathtaking.

We were both excited about seeing all of the dinosaur exhibits, we walked around the main hall (which in my opinion has the best exhibits) & then headed straight to see the dinosaurs. I should have really predicted that this would also be a favourite of the kids too & once inside I was surrounded by loads of kids, I love kids but felt a little outnumbered in there lol, most of the kids were waiting to see the T-Rex. Directly in front of Nikki & I was a really young kid, about 3 years old, as he heard the roar of the T-Rex he asked his dad what the sound was, as we turned the corner there was a huge moving replica of the T-Rex, the kid in front of us turned from inquisitive to scared senseless within a second followed shortly by him screaming, crying & trying to get away from the T-Rex. Needless to say I was happy to get out of that part of the museum.

After a very nice (but very expensive) lunch at the Natural History Museum we made our way to the Victoria & Albert Museum, we only spent about 20 minutes in here as the excitement of getting the rings was getting too much for us. But the few statues we did see were amazing, the cast court has casts of some of the biggest columns I have ever seen, the real columns don’t exist anymore so the casts are the only thing that remain for researchers to work with.

Even though it was cold it was not raining so we decided to walk to Hatton Garden, London’s diamond district, to get Nikki’s ring, it’s a great walk passing Harrods on Knightsbridge, past Park Lane & through Green Park. The sun & the clouds made everything look amazing, I got a bit picture happy with my camera whilst I think Nikki was about to freeze, once we past Piccadilly & Holborn we had reached Hatton Garden.

The jeweller showed Nikki the finished ring, we had waited a long time for both our rings to be finished but it was worth the wait to see that look on her face, I could not wait to get married. When we left the jewellers Nikki asked if she could wear the ring home, being the soft touch that I am I let her. Halfway down the road Nikki said “Oh my god it’s not just a ring IT’S A WEDDING RING!” so I asked “Why do you look so scared?”.....”BECAUSE IT’S A WEDDING RING!” said Nikki. Should I be slightly worried by that reply? Damn right I should, in a sarcastic tone I then said “Oh that’s not a worrying reply” at which point Nikki began to laugh & explain her way out of it. “I’m not scared but it’s just hit me, IT’S A WEDDING RING”. In another sarcastic tone I said “Oh that’s ok then” we both had a laugh about Nikki’s reaction to the rings & now thanks to this blog she’ll never be able to forget it! Lol.

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Photos: 24, Displayed: 24


A replica David at the Victoria & Albert MuseumA replica David at the Victoria & Albert Museum
A replica David at the Victoria & Albert Museum

We'll be seeing the real one when we visit Florence on our honeymoon!

10th January 2011

I hope you guys can still sleep!
It's wonderful to see your excitment...I'm sure you are counting the days, the hours and the minutes for the big time! Wish you a beautiful white wedding...and I know it will be cold!
10th January 2011

Very Cool
Love the rings and the future that you have ahead of you! Happy travels
11th January 2011

Good Luck
Good luck to you both with the upcoming wedding.. when is the date? We will look forward to the photos. xx
11th January 2011

Isn't that exciting?! Best wishes to you :)
11th January 2011

When's the wedding?
Oh, how exciting (and scary? wink wink) for both of you. And you chose Florence for your honeymoon! Very romantic. Congratulations and stay happy!

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