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Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö
May 6th 2024
Published: May 6th 2024
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Today I traveled to Sweden by train over the very long bridge to Malmö. I checked before I left to make sure I had my passport and for the second time (or third?) helped someone with directions. I apparently look like I know what I’m doing so I guess that is good? This couple was from Istanbul and had a nice conversation with them while waiting for the train.

Wouldn’t you know that it was my luck that border control came to check everyone’s passports? This does not happen every time. Just for the lucky people I guess.. They were walking down the aisle checking as I was getting mine out and wouldn’t you know, it wasn’t there! Yes. I had my wallet for my passport WITHOUT my passport because I had some bright idea of condensing space in my crossbody. The three people I was sitting with had theirs out and they actually passed me before I realized I did not have it and did not double back. I could have at least been fined for it. To top it off, I took my license out so I wasn’t carrying both forms of ID with me. Brilliant. I was very, very lucky with that one. I had it…on the other side of the bridge.

Thankfully the part of the city I planned to see was very walkable. I like to see the sights and experience the streets, the old buildings, and the culture…at least where I can in the more touristy areas. First I headed to Lille Torg by way of Stortorget, the area of the city that dates back to the 1500s. It was a market square and is now adorned with dining that completely blocks the bottom half of the buildings and for me killed a little of the ambiance. I did manage to find my way around the corner to a little spot with less modern paraphernalia. The tulips all over here and Copenhagen are so beautiful! The different types and the colors are a welcome sight even if it really doesn’t feel like spring here this week.

After I had my share of old town square, I headed to the Disgusting Food Museum. I don’t regret going but I don’t think I would go again. I was so grossed out by the exhibits I opted not to try any of the different-to-me foods they were offering, including stink bugs, black ants, and some of the nastiest smelling food I have ever smelled. There were actually containers throughout that offered the guests a sniff of what the display smelled like for the particularly smelly foods. They all smelled like rotting corpses to me. And one of their disclaimers upon entering was 0 days without anyone throwing up. And their tickets? Puke bags. I was very well disgusted. So I suppose I would give them a good rating for how disgusting it was. They even had a selfie cam so you could make a disgusting face—I think it should go at the end and not the beginning.

After I escaped the museum, I found a little cafe and had what I consider a good tasting latte and yogurt parfait. Much preferred over the grubs ‘n bugs. I have been trying to sit at all the cafes and not take away in an effort to experience the culture. I believe it is Fika in Sweden. It is Hygge in Denmark. I mentioned in previous post—it’s really a way of life. There is no direct translation but imagine sitting by the fireplace drinking a warm latte with a nice oft blanket on your lap. There are a lot of outdoor restaurants that have blankets!

Lastly, I headed back to the main station by way of Kungsparken (King’s Park). I walked through part of it and saw some more lovely tulips. I enjoy how easy it is to walk around in European cities and transportation without a car in general. It’s nice to be able to walk a lot. After I arrived back in Copenhagen, I sat in another cafe for an Irish coffee and a dessert and went to dinner at the Reffen market by the water. It’s interesting to see a port town like this. Te number of boats, the range in sizes and functions. Not something I am accustomed to. On the way back to the house we rode by Christiania (an alternative community) and Pusher Street, closed down a few weeks ago due to drugs and crime (I am uncertain how much was actually Cannabis and how much was other). It sounds like they intend to keep the street closed and build apartments there but the area will still exist.

Here’s hoping I will get to see some sun in Copenhagen tomorrow! Working on getting the photos uploaded to Flickr…will share that link when I can upload since they’re spotty here.

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Durian or no?Durian or no?
Durian or no?

I don’t like Durian.. but I would eat it over 95% of everything else!
Sardinian Maggot CheeseSardinian Maggot Cheese
Sardinian Maggot Cheese

I believe their excrement is what is eaten.
Have a lovely day!Have a lovely day!
Have a lovely day!

I studied enough Danish that I can actually read that. Most of it isn’t too hard. :)

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