Spain Travel epilogue

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Europe » Spain
November 27th 2007
Published: October 5th 2009
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Southern Spain and especially Andalucía is steeped in the belief of duende - a spirit / mysticism that immerses all things. While we wouldn’t go as far as saying our Spanish trip was spiritual or mystical, I think it's wonderfully appropriate to say that our time in Spain was magical.

Both Andrew and I have discovered a special affinity with the Spanish food, wine, culture and land, and we are really torn about whether we come back here on our next overseas trip (to visit the northern and central regions) or whether we go somewhere ‘brand new’...but I suppose as dilemmas go, this one is a lovely one! 😊

Visiting family was a wonderful highlight of this trip but it was really hard to say good-bye to my siblings - once again, as we have done so many times before, the three of us are living in different continents. On the bright side, it’s all the more reason we should travel again very soon!

...and sadly folks that is the end of Ren and Andrew’s 2007 England/Spain/Malaysia trip.

Adios people, and may all your travels be good travels! 😊

Flying ships on this trip...
Malaysian Airlines (Melbourne-Kuala Lumpur-Amsterdam-London);
KLM Dutch Airlines (London-Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur-Melbourne).


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