Spain Travel Blog...the prologue

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Europe » Spain
November 7th 2007
Published: September 11th 2009
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How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards... ~ Spanish Proverb

Hola people!

Welcome to our Spanish travels...and as if a trip to Spain was not enough, a very special added bonus was that we stopped off in London to see my sister and Andrew's cousin, and then checked in on my brother in Kuala Lumpur on the way back home. In Spain we predominantly spent time in enchanting Andalucía in the south, but could not resist a few days in Barcelona as well.

I have to apologise for the delay in uploading this travel blog, we got so so so caught up in the places we went to that sitting at a computer was not very high on the agenda, but I did manage to write about 80% of the blog while travelling. We are also sorry about the very few photos (I just realised) we have taken, both Andrew and I seem to get so absorbed in the moment that we forget to point a camera at it for posterity!

For privacy reasons I have only uploaded a few ‘place’ photos here. If you wish to see our ‘people’ travel photos, email me for a link... 😊

Ren and Andrew

Travel reading on this trip...
Lonely Planet Guide Spain;
The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton (Andrew);
Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (Ren).


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