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April 18th 2024
Published: April 18th 2024
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April 17

My face is red. I booked a private tour in Cartagena. I Asked the tourist office where I was to meet my driver. They had no idea. After consulting the Policia and the civil guard and another couple we all learned that our tour was for Cartagena Columbia. Never noticed. My bad, except I did give the company the ship I was arriving on so I would have expected them to contact me. So I have to endure another blissful day on my private yacht. Such tough duty. When I’m wrong I’m so wrong. Wrong Country, wrong continent, wrong hemisphere. The only way I could have been more wrong was wrong planet.

Sat by the pool until lunch, then headed to the Crows Nest for a prime seat by the window reading until my eyes started to close, headed for a nap and awoke at 6pm, not hungry and not feeling like dressing up, watched the impeachment for a while and fell asleep for the night.

Not sure why I’m so sleepy.

April 18

The Lido was packed so I sat at the pool to write and watch Tai Chi. Breakfast will be Apple Crepe.

Activity in the harbor has been interesting. First I spotted a number of single person kayaks paddling in the bay. One was approached by a power boat that then escorted the kayak for a while. I lost sight of them. Para-sailing is a thing and I watched a couple do their things.

The Crows Nest began to fill up so I headed for lunch. Decided on pizza which is pretty good. There is a crane outside the Lido. At first I thought it was a window washer but he is hammering and scraping. Not sure what is going on.

Soon I will head to the stateroom to pack up for disembarkation tomorrow. The hard part is separating what I will wear or need in Barcelona from the other stuff.

Just received a credit for my tour in Cartagena. Didn’t really expect it and never so soon.


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