Blogs from Moscow, Northwest, Russia, Europe - page 3


Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow July 15th 2019

It seemed, I discovered chatting to the Russian chap sat next to me on the high speed train from St Petersberg to Moscow, I'd inadvertently booked myself into the 'Premier Economy' carriage - snack included and would you like tea or coffee with that? All bought to your seat with no need to navigate to the buffet car with the riff raff. So yes, I had found the English language version of the Russian Railways website when booking my tickets, but the myriad of symbols for different classes and options, never mind the inference of the train number being high or low, or indeed whether the train had a name, was bewildering. If nothing else this trip will be a voyage of discovery as I find out exactly what I booked! I was also amused at ... read more
Cathedral Square
Around Moscow
Cathedral Square

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow September 22nd 2018

St. Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia. What gems it holds for its people and for us visitors! This tour has crammed in so many activities, museums, palaces, magnificent royal residences that I will definitely look to travel with Trafalgar again. To name only a few: we've been to the Hermitage, St. Isaac's Cathedral, summer and winter residences, everywhere that is listed as a highlight or as a must-see. On our last morning in St. Petersburg, before boarding the high speed train to Moscow, we took a boat cruise on the canals to get another perspective on the "Venice of the North." One very funny thing that happened while we were cruising was as our boat was ready to pass under one of the many canal bridges we saw a man standing in the middle ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow August 6th 2018

So my birthday did not finish as expected, President Putin did not send a undercover agent to pick me up for a meal in the Kremlin - I am sure it was because a major event was happening and he just could not spare the time in his busy top secret world. Anyway we decided to go to Gorky Park which to be honest was a BIG mistake I really did not want a birthday meal of eating a pizza or burger in a take-away (yes you guessed it Mike forgot to book a restaurant). Anyway we decided that we would walk back to the district named as Red October - yes that's correct Red October and no Sean Connery was not there waiting to wine and dine me for my birthday either (things are going ... read more
Kitai-Gorod Station
Dorogomilovo Station

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow August 5th 2018

So yesterday we saw so many things and were so blown away. Last night we went on a river boat. Now to give you some context whenever we go to a city and it has a river we always and really always take a river boat to see the sights and gain further information about the city we are staying in. Well all I can say is a Moscow river cruise is not like another river cruise I have ever and I mean ever taken before. We board the boat just like we always do. We go up top as you do and then all we hear is Sting, Rag and Bone Man etc any commentary on what we are passing i.e. the Kremlin NO just music - big lesson make sure any trip you make ... read more
Russian breakfast including caviar
Peter the Great

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow August 4th 2018

So it's day 2 in Moscow and we have a private tour booked - why are you having a private tour I can hear you ask! Well if you have ever been on a tour with me you will know the one person who asks so many questions and you are thinking not again!! Well that's me so that is why we have a private tour just to save everyone else the misery of another question. Before this we have booked breakfast in the hotel which is a novelty for us as I normally say no way let's eat like the locals. Anyway would you believe the breakfast room is situated around a fountain and that is not the best bit whilst eating your breakfast from an around the world buffet who walks out but a ... read more
Bolshoi Theatre
St Basil Cathedral

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow August 3rd 2018

Well our Russia trip started with successfully getting our visas. This was no mean feat but could have been a lot easier if we knew the information we needed before we started to fill in the visa form. So all you travel agencies out there why not give people who are booking a flight a fact sheet it would make our lives a lot easier. So we arrive in Moscow airport and it is a bit intimidating as you are herded into lines and you are not sure you should be in that line but we were so no bother there. The immigration is a bit daunting as your passport is really scrutinised which I have never seen before. Once through immigration everything goes swimmingly. We meet our guide who takes us to the train and ... read more
A stranger in Moscow

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow July 8th 2018

We are now home and our cruise has finished. As you will see from the info below we didn’t really have a lot of time to write of our experiences. Too many jam packed days and yet still more to see in Moscow. Russia has been fantastic and very different from my trip in 1978. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the introduction of private enterprises there have been many changes. It is becoming very westernized which means more cars, traffic jams, but there are now shops, plentiful foods and smiling people. It is very easy to get around, particularly as most signs and stores have English signs. The children learn English at school, but as with many countries, older people while they may have an understanding they do not speak it. They do ... read more
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Monument to Peter the Great on 300th anniversary of the creation of the navy by him
Metro steep escalator

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow July 2nd 2018

We weren’t sure what to expect of the sprawling Russian capital when we first go there. It was a beautiful city— that much was obvious. However, the word that immediately came to mind was “intense”. The megacity has a rather frenzied energy to it, which certainly gave it a lot of character. And let’s not forget how much rich history it has to offer! Here are some of the sites that we were able to visit when we were there. We hope this will help you with your own itinerary when you visit Moscow! Kremlin The Kremlin is probably the most important historical structures in the entire country, which is doubly impressive when you consider the sheer size of Russia. There were so many marvelous things to see inside that we only wish we had more ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow June 9th 2018

Über St. Petersburg ging es für mich dann weiter nach Moskau. Kurz vor der russischen Grenze wurde es im Zug tatsächlich ganz ruhig. Die Grenzkontrolle durch die russischen Grenzbeamten erfolgte dann ganz sachlih, kühl und unfreundlich. Und schließlich kam ich in Moskau mit dem Nachtzug an, der auch in der 2. Klasse mit Tischdecken und warmem Frühstück sehr luxeriös war. In Moskau war ich zuerst so sehr von den wunderschön gestalteten Metrostationen beeindruckt, so dass ich gleich am ersten Tag auf eigene Faust eine Tour zu den schönsten Stationen auf der Ringbahn unternahm. Am nächsten Tag nahm ich dann an einem geführten, alternativen Stadtspaziergang teil, der sehr interessant war und für mich wichtige Informationen für die nächsten Tage in der Stadt enthielt. Später machte ich noch eine typische Hop-On-Hop-Off Tour für Touristen mit, um auch noch ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow May 26th 2018

The plane took off and we were in the sky in no time. Instead of the plane flying through the Pacific, the plane took a u-turn and headed through Washington into Canada through Iceland and Greenland, and into Northern Europe before landing at the Moscow airport. On the flight, I was sitting in Economy Class to the left side of the plane, and unfortunatley did not get the window seat. Bummer. For 12 hours in the sky, I watched movies, played random games, ate delicious meals, and tried to sleep. Throughout the flight, there were many times when the airplane encountered turbulence and announcments of turbulence became a constant. I was thinking sometimes about what might happen if the airplane actually crashed. I didn't get any sleep because of this. Thankfully, I made it in one ... read more

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