Notes from plane seats and the odd airport lounge

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May 1st 2010
Published: May 4th 2010
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Mongolia on my mind

We left Seoul at 2pm and have been flying for three hours. We are directly over Mongolia at the moment, and I’m finding it hard to comprehend the magnitude of the landscape below. How individual men can rule such vast expanses of land with a populace so isolated by distance is difficult to imagine, but I am drawn to this place. Drawn to the isolation, contrast and space - I doubt solace can be found here (and nor should it be sought), but new and novel viewpoints surely can.

Having just enjoyed another bibimbap, we’re settling in for the remaining eight and half hours to Rome...

Hot. Loud. Crowded. With a few screaming kids thrown in for good measure. It’s more like travelling on a regional bus than international air travel, but thanks to great ‘sleep anywhere/anytime’ genes I’ve been able to sleep for most of this flight so far.

Not surprisingly, Mongolia has just moved up the travel list... Genghis Khan country will be a real treat for the eye and mind I think. 😊

The Korean Air crew are feeding and watering us every hour and sometimes more, which is very lovely and hospitable of them...but still, Rome soon. Please.

Mindless in Milan (transit stopover)

We touched down in Milan in the pouring rain and waited in the transit lounge for a while before reboarding the same plane to Rome. Have been on this leg for 14 hours straight, but the Seoul - Milan flight was fantastic. Take-off to Rome was delayed by a satanic kid throwing the worst tantrum I have experienced. Apparently he couldn’t stand being belted into a seat during take-off, and wanted to be on the floor instead. We both had our suggestions on how to handle the situation, but would probably end up in a Milan court if we implemented them. Kid restrained by three cabin crew and its mother so we could take off. Looking forward to Rome!!!

Grrr at the mother who let her child run around the plane like a maniac on the flight from Seoul to Milan, and was then surprised that he was so wired and over tired that he was throwing a massive tantrum that delayed our plane to Rome! Grrr. But on the bright side, we are nearly at our destination! 😊


4th May 2010

Flying On Gochujang
You do make Mongolia sound interesting. In summer though. I wonder if they actually have Mongolian BBQ's in Mongolia? I hear what you're saying about the kid. Sounds like it's replaced Oz Rugby teams as the main menace of flying. Good luck on the ground!
4th May 2010

The mother of the kid should pay all passengers on that flight compensation. As for the child - well I will by-pass court an be thrown in jail for my lets not go there. Don't know about you Andrew but I do know that my dear sister has no problems when it comes to the act of sleeping! However, next time you must insist on moving to First class. xxx
6th May 2010

Re: Flying On Gochujang
Hey KD, Mongolia is definitely on the cards soon, and will be going in summer so will check out bbq options and report back :)
6th May 2010

Re: KIDS!!!
Hi Rom, as much as the mother was to blame, I did feel quite sorry for her. We both slept through a very loud greek dance party next door to our hotel in Florence last certainly is a valuable skill to have when travelling. Love to the munchkins... xx

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