Mosaics, proscuitto and Aquileia

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May 10th 2024
Published: May 11th 2024
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Scuola Mosaicisti Del FriuliScuola Mosaicisti Del FriuliScuola Mosaicisti Del Friuli

Inside one of the teaching rooms
A long but most interesting day.

We took a longer but more beautiful route to Spilimbergo to view the Scuola Mosaicisti Del Furiuli mosaic school where students spend 3 years to learn the art of the mosaic craft. The route to the town took us along the foothills of the Dolomite mountains through rolling countryside covered with trees. NZ could surely look at how trees should be left on the landscape instead of felling it all for farming. What is noticiable is that there are virtually no animals and this is because there is not money in beef or sheep farming. Growing grapes seems to be the alternative as it is in many parts of the world. I wonder when saturation point will arrive. ?

Back to mosaics. The school is entirely fitted out with mosaic floors and walls have dozens of examples of mosaic art both in traditional form as well as abstract and modern art. Examples are amazing. There are tiles of every shape and size - tiny to huge and with every hue imaginable. Hence, no matter what the subject matter, it can be portrayed in mosaics. Looking at the art, there are close similarities to tapestry weaving and stitching.

Our next stop was at San Daniella to a proscuitto restaurant. We had and excellent meal of proscuitto, artichokes, cheeses, pickled mushrooms and bread, accompanied by wine.

Our last stop was to Aquileia in northern Italy not far from Grado. Here we were able to view well preserved columns, paving, and ancient Roman structures. We visited the recovered home of a wealthy Roman merchant. There were magnificent mosaic floors and remaining structures of walls and floors. The roof was a modern build over the floor plan to show how it looked when it was lived in.

Lastly we visited the basilica of Santa Maria Assunta. It was built in 314 AD and is considered to be one of the most ancient churches in the world. It has romanesque and gothic features with many amazing frescoes, a huge mosaic floor as well as precious artworks.

Another long, active and interesting day.

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Proscuitto anyone?Proscuitto anyone?
Proscuitto anyone?

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